Luke Robinson dreams of Testing Sprints

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ramun · 414

Here is the though process when building this deck:

Let's try Testing Sprint on Luke Robinson, he can use it from his Dream-Gate that's pretty cool.

Testing Sprint makes you perform basic Investigate actions, meaning that this deck will rely on not . Let's throw in Magnifying Glass, St. Hubert's Key, Dr. Milan Christopher and Death • XIII to boost .

What else could help with Testing Sprint?

Encyclopedia provides a skill boost for the entire sprint.

Vantage Point moves a clue to the Dream-Gate, so that the 1st investigation of the sprint is not waisted and is difficulty 0.

Written in the Stars lets you commit a skill card for the entire sprint, as long as you know that this skill card is on top of your deck. Wait a minute, isn't there an ally asset that allows you to know that?

Yes there is! Alyssa Graham lets us know what is the top card of our deck every turn for free. And she provides a boost. Goodbye Dr. Milan Christopher, you have been overthrown.

If I'm using Alyssa Graham, I may as well throw in Foresight to potentially discard a weakness or play an asset fast with discount.

Other card choices in the deck:

Down the Rabbit Hole because of the many upgrade options as listed in the side deck.

In the Thick of It (2 mental traumas) to start with Death • XIII and Foresight.

Seeking Answers because it's good in Luke and is an upgrade target for Down the Rabbit Hole.

Emergency Cache instead of other seeker economy options because it is an upgrade target for Down the Rabbit Hole and Emergency Cache(2) provides card draw which this deck lacks.

Mouse Mask boosts 2 relevant skills and gets refilled every time you go to your Dream-Gate.

Final words:

Even though this deck was though around the dream of pulling off a mega Testing Sprint combo, I believe it is still very functional if you never draw it or there is never a good situation to make it happen.

The synergies between the cards are relevant in many situations and should be used as soon as possible, e.g. Written in the Stars should be used as soon as you know there is a skill card on top of your deck, Vantage Point can be used to move the last clue away from a high shroud location with victory points, etc...

The main weekness of this deck in my opinion is the low survivability on the damage side, which is why I would recommand to pair it with a goon that can soak for you or heal you.