one handed, rabbit hole Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jorae · 34


Big thanks to bernieschlotfeldt and RyanMuQ for their comments. I have incorporated their feedback, as I do believe they have good points, and now the deck is better for it!

I built a Zoey deck, based on one handed weapons, a bit of support and Down the Rabbit Hole. Any comments and feedback would be appreciated. The main fighting tactics after spending some good experience is to have a Blessed Blade in one hand, and a Survival Knife in the other. With a Enchanted Blade as a backup weapon.

With cards like Stand Together, First Watch and "Let me handle this!", in addition to the bless token generation from Blessed Blade, i provide some good support. Drawn to the Flame and Evidence! let me get some clues when enemy presence is low.

The first permanents that i want to add (despite the extra cost from Down the Rabbit Hole) is Stick to the Plan. If the campaign provides a good story ally asset, Charisma could be a good consideration. And if at the end, i still have more exp than i know how to work with, Keen Eye is there to waste it on :)

Before the update, Relic Hunter was also desired, but the removal of Holy Rosary in favor of Wolf Mask makes this permanent irrelevant.

Stick to the Plan will hold Emergency Cache, until i replace it with Ever Vigilant, Prepared for the Worst and On the hunt. All three of these will also be upgraded, with On the hunt being a priority.

Aside from these permanents, there are a few new cards i'd like to purchase, again despite the extra cost from Down the Rabbit Hole. As mentioned above, Ever Vigilant will be purchased quickly after Stick to the Plan. And then later upgraded to keep up with my supporting role. And finally, with the tokens from Blessed Blade, Nephthys can do some serious damage, plus her boost helps great with handling some team treacheries, so i can replace Guts with this ally. At which point, Charisma also becomes a must.

While Enchanted Blade is a good primary weapon for the first scenario, it might not be necessary to upgrade both, or even a single one of them, when Blessed Blade has entered the deck, and Prepared for the Worst is primed. If the xp can be missed, Fang of Tyr'thrha would add some great mobility and damage.

Before the update, Machete had 2 copies in the deck, to be replaced with Survival Knife later on. Feedback however assured me that Survival Knife is more than good enough for this base deck, when taking Down the Rabbit Hole into account.

Then there are plenty of cards that just need to be upgraded, making Down the Rabbit Hole a worthy inclusion in my opinion. All upgradeable cards are:

2x Blessed Blade ••••

1x Enchanted Blade •••

1x On the hunt •••

2x Beat Cop ••

2x Guard Dog ••

1x Prepared for the Worst ••

2x Overpower ••

2x Vicious Blow ••

2x Survival Knife

2x Evidence!

1x Stand Together •••

and technically Ever Vigilant

Thank you for the feedback, it has been integrated. More feedback always welcome!

Having removed Holy Rosary in exchange for Wolf Mask also removes the need for Relic Hunter, which saves 4 xp. The question is, would Cat Mask be a better replacement? I prefer a boost over an boost, but how the offerings are replenished, Wolf gets the preference.


Jul 31, 2024 Marymatician · 95

I actually just finished a campaign playing Blessed Blade + Survival Knife Zoey! (No Rabbit Hole though, and it was parallel.) Words of advice, having been through it all:

Wolf Mask is absolutely better than Cat Mask. You're never replenishing Cat Mask's charges.

Have you considered Parallel Zoey? I always found Zoey's front side a little unappealing, and Parallel Zoey is able to stock the bag with blessings and pull them out for +1 damage pretty often.

Occult Reliquary gives you an extra hand slot for your Blessed Blade, which means you can run potentially both survival knives at once.

It also appears you still have two spare off-class slots for Zoey? If you own TSK, Kicking the Hornet's Nest is great, and you can also run customisable cards for an xp sink for Rabbit Hole.

I think my biggest issue with rabbit hole is the extent to which it stifles creativity: so much of your starting deck becomes cards to upgrade out of, it punishes you for adding new cards, and on top of that, because the xp is split over two upgrade discounts, you're incentivised to upgrade two cards each time, often leaving you with no xp for anything else.

Aug 01, 2024 RyanMuQ · 763

@Marymatician I just found here is an interesting discussion about Down the Rabbit Hole so I come :)

I used to play DtRH with Daisy Walker. I think we should avoid the extrame usage that treats the text as Forced - always upgrade exactly 2 cards each time and never buy new cards. You can obviously upgrade 3 cards this time, and do make plan to save enough exp to purchase critical new cards. Usually as long as you include DtRH in your deck, every new card is critical for the deck. So just buy them as usual when they are needed. And as long as you get more than one exp discounts from this card, it is good enough - there is no other downsides like Arcane Research or Shrewd Analysis.

I personally pretty like the design of Down the Rabbit Hole - it strengthen the connections between the 0xp version and the fully developed version, and it encourages players to make dedicated plans to ensure the deck is playable at both situations. Though I must invest much more time of course.

Aug 02, 2024 jorae · 34

@Marymatician How do you seen Kicking the Hornet's Nest compared to Evidence! and Drawn to the Flame?

Aug 02, 2024 Marymatician · 95

@jorae that's a good question! I was also playing Evidence! but found I actually rarely had a chance to use it - this would probably be lessened in Non-Parallel Zoey, but resources were a little crunchier, and my seeker partner was very efficient at picking up clues, so there wasn't a guarantee wherever I'm standing had clues at all. However, the card has very good icons, and it was a very helpful commit on multiple occasions.

Drawn to the Flame and Kicking the Hornet's Nest are a good comparison point, IMO - they both have the same primary trade-off. You get one or more clues, but you're pulling from the encounter deck. They also both take one of Zoey's limited 5 off-colour slots. However, I prefer Kicking the Hornet's Nest for a few reasons - you get to pick your poison so-to-speak, and you're assured it's an enemy, something you're equipped to deal with. This also allows it to trigger any of your enemy-related effects - for example, in my particular list (based on HungryColquhoun's Zoey list, which has sat at the front page of this site since I started playing Arkham, lol) it gives your Pushed to the Limit an early target, allows me to add blessings to the bag as Parallel Zoey, regular Zoey gets the extra cash, etc. Speaking of resources, the resources of the card aren't to be understated - Guardians are known for their resource issues, so being able to do your job, get a clue, and stock up your resources for further down the line is really powerful, and worth more, IMO, than the extra clue from Drawn to the Flame - Guardians can make the cash go a lot further than a clue, that they have to work quite hard to pick up.

Additionally, while niche, Kicking the Hornet's Nest has some... favourable, interactions with The Scarlet Keys, the campaign I played through. I'll keep it spoiler-free, but the card was able to make a lot of challenging enemies more manageable.

Aug 05, 2024 jorae · 34

@Marymatician thank you for this clear analysis. I won't make any more changes to this decklist here, but whenever i play this deck, i shall take everything into consideration with the final finetuning, based on the group, which investigators and how many. Thanks!

Aug 06, 2024 Marymatician · 95

That's quite all-right, it's great to share knowledge - good luck with your Zoey game!