Daniela Reyes - tanky fighter with Deja Vu and A Test of Wil

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rushional · 67

I tried to be a bit thematic and only use melee weapons for this deck.


  1. Charisma x2 Tetsuo Mori -> x2 Peter Sylvestre
  2. x2 Guard Dog -> x2 Jessica Hyde
  3. Déjà Vu x2 "Get behind me!" -> A Test of Will
  4. x2 Cherished Keepsake
  5. x1 Meat Cleaver, x1 Machete -> x2 Timeworn Brand
  6. x1 Emergency Cache -> x1 Unscrupulous Loan
  7. x2 Backpack
  8. Relic Hunter
  9. x2 Daring -> x2 Bangle of Jinxes
  10. Charisma x2 Dodge -> x2 The Black Cat (This one is especially questionable, but it's fun! And at this point we kinda don't care)

While playing the deck though, I felt that the Survival Knife (0) was kinda bad, so I dropped the knives and the bandolier. So yeah, sorry for posting an unpolished decklist. I think, if I tried to run another campaign and played this more, I'd cut the knives and the bandolier from the deck entirely, maybe add x2 .32 Colts and x1 Enchanted Blade? It would kinda ruin the "I only use melee weapons this campaign" idea, but the survival knife (0) is just tough to play with I feel.