Atut. Drobiazg

Przedmiot. Amulet. Przeklęty.

Cost: 2. XP: 1.


Zużywalny (1 ładunek).

Wydaj 1 ładunek: do tego testu dostajesz +2 do wartości umiejętności. (Limit raz na test.)

Po tym, jak zaatakuje cię wróg: umieść 1 ładunek na Pechowej bransolecie.

Tiziano Baracchi
Na krawędzi Ziemi - Rozszerzenie badaczy #75.
Pechowa bransoleta


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This is one of those “released exclusively for one investigator“ cards. Take it as Daniela Reyes, save up bonuses for hitting back and passing encounters. An extremely defensive Yorick or Calvin might see use for this, but only one character has a signature that goads the enemy. Which is a hell of a position to take versus the mythos, but there you go.

MrGoldbee · 1420
Tommy often actively utilizes 'counter attack' weapons and allies to increase action economy and could use this as well, as long as they were willing to give up some sanity soak. I could see this enabling a similar Survival Knife Yorick, but he already has such strong archetypes that it may not 'make the cut' except as an experimental deck. I don't think Calvin wants this, this is really for the 'Guard Dog also draws you Lucky!' synergy. — dezzmont · 204
Or unexpected courage more accurately. — dezzmont · 204
Speaking of Lucky!, Lucky! is way better than this card. So is Live and Learn. — OrionJA · 1
and Unexpected Courage — OrionJA · 1
Oh, wait, it does come with 1 charge for free. That's a little more tolerable. — OrionJA · 1
Or 2 in Akachi. But I don't see this card in Akachi at all. She has way better Accessories, and she kills enemies before they ever attack. — Susumu · 351
I think this is just better in Tommy than it is in Daniela, since using it on his int gets him to a reasonable number, and he's more likely to need it on will or fight, too. — SSW · 206
I've used this card in Calvin with good results. Cal is often looking to trigger opportunity attacks, and has access to counterpunch and Toe to Toe, which has nice synergy. — Tanz444 · 31