Roland Banks - runic axe

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jensen515 · 8

upgrade path-------------------------------------------------------------------
Stick to the Plan (permanent)
Runic Axe > Inscription of glory (1xp) heal 1 damage etc
Runic Axe > Inscription of Hunt (1xp) connecting location
Runic Axe > Saga (3xp) 2 charges a round
Hunter's Armor > armor of thorns (3xp) 1 damage per damage
Empirical Hypothesis > peer review (2xp) other investigators
Enchant weapon x 2
Physical Training x 2
Reliable x 2
Stick to the Plan (permanent)

customize cards---------------------------------------------------------------
Runic Axe > Inscription of glory (1xp) heal 1 damage etc
Runic Axe > Inscription of Hunt (1xp) connecting location
Runic Axe > Inscription of fury(1xp) damage all engaged
Runic Axe > Scriptweaver (4xp) 2 inscriptions
Runic Axe > Saga (3xp) 2 charges a round

Hunter's Armor > armor of thorns (3xp) 1 damage per damage
Hunter's Armor > hallowed (2xp) +2 sanity
Hunter's Armor > durarble (2xp) +2 health
Hunter's Armor > enchanted (1xp) arcane slot
Hunter's Armor > protective runes (2xp) team damage

Empirical Hypothesis > Trial and error (1xp) dealt damage
Empirical Hypothesis > field research (1xp) discard enemy
Empirical Hypothesis > peer review (2xp) other investigators

upgrade cards ------------------------------------------------------------
"Get over here!" > (2xp) x2 "Get over here!"
Backpack > (2xp) x 2 Backpack
Vicious Blow > 2xp x2 Vicious Blow

New Cards-----------------------------------------------------------------
Bruiser 3xp x 2
Encahnt weapon x 2
Girish Kadakia x2
Mano a Mano > Mano a Mano x 2
On the Hunt > On the Hunt x 2
Pathfinder x 2
Physical Training x 2
Quick Study x 2
Reliable x 2
Taunt x2
Well-Maintained x 2
Stick to the Plan (permanent)