Play-by-Play #5: Jenny’s The House Always Wins

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Play-by-Play #4: Jenny’s Carnevale of Horrors 3 2 2 2.0
Inspiration for
Play-by-Play #6: Jenny’s Extracurricular Activity 3 0 3 1.0

Magnificate · 1203

Upped difficulty to Hard.

Trauma: 2 Horror

Opening Hand: Switchblade, Pantalone, Leo De Luca, Guts, Fine Clothes

#1: PLAY Pantalone (draw Switchblade & Elusive), DRAW Fine Clothes, PLAY Fine Clothes, Clover Club Pit Boss moves to La Bella Luna, upkeep (Elusive, 2 resources).

#2: Swarm of Rats, Switchblade, FIGHT (defeat Swarm of Rats), MOVE to Clover Club Lounge, Clover Club Lounge (discard Leo De Luca, 2 clues), Clover Club Pit Boss moves to Clover Club Lounge, upkeep (Overpower, 2 resources).

#3: Something in the Drinks, O'Bannion's Thug, MOVE Clover Club Bar, Clover Club Bar (draw Machete & Jenny's Twin .45s, 2 clues), advance Beginner's Luck (O'Bannion's Thug on Darkened Hall), MOVE Clover Club Cardroom, Clover Club Pit Boss moves to Clover Club Cardroom, upkeep (Guts, 2 resources).

#4: Mobster, MOVE to Darkened Hall, MOVE to Back Hall Doorway (reveal VIP Area), INVESTIGATE (+3 , clue), Clover Club Pit Boss moves to Darkened Hall.

#5: advance The Clover Club, Swarm of Rats, FIGHT (defeat Swarm of Rats), RESOURCE, PLAY Jenny's Twin .45s (7 ammo, discard Switchblade), Clover Club Pit Boss attacks (2 damage).

#6: Hunted Down (O'Bannion's Thug moves to Clover Club Cardroom, Mobster moves to Darkened Hall, O'Bannion's Thug attacks (2 damage)), FIGHT (6 ammo left, pitch Overpower, draw Searching for Izzie (on La Bella Luna, 2 damage to Clover Club Pit Boss), FIGHT (5 ammo left, pitch Machete, defeat Clover Club Pit Boss, FIGHT (4 ammo left, pitch Switchblade), O'Bannion's Thug attacks (2 damage).

#7: Mobster, FIGHT (3 ammo left, defeat O'Bannion's Thug), FIGHT (2 ammo left), FIGHT (1 ammo left, defeat Mobster).

#8: advance Underground Muscle (Servant of the Lurker on Clover Club Lounge), Conglomeration of Spheres ... DEFEAT

Campaign Log:

The Gathering: R2, Jenny’s house is still standing!, 8XP (Ghoul Priest, Flesh-Eater, Attic, Cellar, 3 bonus XP),

The Midnight Masks: R1, Jenny interrogated the Masked Hunter, Peter Warren, "Wolf-Man" Drew and Ruth Turner! Herman Collins and Victoria Devereux got away! 8XP (The Masked Hunter, "Wolf-Man" Drew, Peter Warren, Ruth Turner, Graveyard, Northside, Miskatonic University)

The Devourver Below: R1, The ritual to summon Umôrdhoth was broken! 7XP (Victoria Devereux, Herman Collins, 5 bonus XP), Token, 2 Mental Trauma

Carnevale of Horrors: R1, The sun banished Cnidathqua into the depths! 3XP (Don Lagorio, Savio Corvi, Salvatore Neri)

The House Always Wins: R1, O'Bannion gang has a bone to pick with Jenny! Dr. Francis Morgan was kidnapped! 2XP (Clover Club Pit Boss, VIP Area), 1 Psychical Trauma


Round #5 I gambled on staying in the VIP Area and dealing with Pit Boss one-on-one. It didn't work out quite as well as it I expected.


Oct 17, 2017 Synisill · 794

Do you think the location was to your disadvatage or the upped difficulty level? From first sight, i would think it was the hard mode - apparently Jenny failed more tests than in the previous scenarios.

Oct 17, 2017 Magnificate · 1203

I was all about being unable to safely leave the VIP Area, notice that it prevents Jenny from gaining resources during upkeep, plus she didn't have Lone Wolf out, so she was starved for options. Not to mention the enemies came at her every single round.