Agnes Baker Dunwich Campaign Hard (Zealot Completed on Hard)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Superninja · 7

Hello All,

My 1st publish Deck. I really enjoy the ability for Agnes to facilitate a campaign on Hard. Biggest issue I find when running the game is getting overwhelmed from the encounter deck.

Hence this deck is run in conjunct ion with a Guardian / Seeker deck but has decent clue finding in its own capacity.

Presently playing with Roland which works well as he deals with the constant enemy encounters and converting these to clues.

28xp comes from maximizing xp and using 2x Delve Too Deep in each of the Night of the Zealot scenarios. While "hard" on Night of the Zealot is difficult but not impossible my concern with Return to Dunwich is that the penalties associated with Chaos Tokens are much worst in this campaign.

The does not have much in the way of encounter deck management.

The goal of the deck is to beat skill tests which Dark Horse provides, Fire Axe enables, but Madame Labranche means Anges still has ability to draw or access resources if needed for a ward of protection or lucky.

Would really appreciate any feedback. It bugs me that I can not seem to "perfect" Agnes.

A key question I have is why not ditch Fight or Flight / Fire Axe / Madame Labranche and focus on 2 more spells with Arcane Initiate to draw and move through the deck. Madame Labranche creates the deck draw I lose from Arcane Initiate. The reason for this suggestion is I do not like having to rely on card combos to survive as this is a potential point of failure.

Presently do not have Uncage the Soul cards but would consider swapping out Fight or Flight for these 2 cards.

Same reason I have added Guts to enable faster deck rotation.

Cheers, Superninja


Feb 06, 2020 Lucaxiom · 4103

You uh... don't seem to any have horror healing. Sure you've got Peter, but he doesn't 'heal horror', only mitigate it. That means that all horror you take in order to trigger Agnes's special ability is not going away, and you have a LOT of horror incursion... oh god. On second glance, you've got OBSCENE amounts of horror incursion. Yeah you're going to die to your own deck a lot.

Also, while you've got a good grasp on the poverty suite of cards (Dark Horse, Fire Axe, and Madame Labranche), it's really much more effective on investigators that use all their attributes, while here you've using and primarily. Also, it's the 'poverty' suite, meaning few resources. You've got expensive cards (Rite of Seeking (2), Shrivelling, Peter Sylvestre) that are going to be hard to play as a result AND Forbidden Knowledge, which will invalidate Dark Horse on every use.

Still, I'm a big fan of unorthodox strategies, and you've got something here, I'm sure. Dark Pact is exciting, though I'm not seeing any Moonlight Ritual to deal with the accumulated doom. I think that alone facilitates a focused Agnes deck; that, Fight or Flight, and Lucky! (2) means there's no need for Dark Horse's one extra boost. And for god's sake, add some freaking horror healing you suicidal maniac.

Feb 07, 2020 Superninja · 7

Hello @Lucaxiom

Really appreciate the feedback. Your comment is correct I am trying to look at a different approach to break the current thinking as to what the best options are and each person doing slight variations.

My goal is to reduce randomness but I have found with her high initial horror starting value + holy rosary that even on hard the horror stacking can be managed - particularly as this is the easiest way to add damage to an enemy.

Not sure if there is a better option. I like fire axe being able to burn resources for Madam Labranche and Dark Horse.

All suggests are most welcome. Will try adding in Moonlight ritual.

Thank you for commenting