Norman Withers - Seeker of Knowledge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RustCohle · 2

My first crack at a Norman Withers deck. Starting the Return to Dunwich Legacy campaign, 2p with my gf, who is playing Zoey Samaras. Prioritizing level 0 mystic slots that I am unlikely to replace or need to upgrade. Delve will hopefully help with earning quicker vp to grab Shriveling lvl.3 asap. will try to publish upgraded decks throughout the campaign.


Jun 07, 2019 GreatGopher · 595

One thing you may want to think about is the number of situational cards you're currently running. Norman really excels when he can benefit from his ability nearly every turn, but stuff like an early game Delve Too Deep, or a Dr. William T. Maleson when Milan is already out, or one of "I've got a plan!"/Anatomical Diagrams/Mind over Matter/Storm of Spirits without an immediate threat to target will lock him down for a turn. I'd recommend taking a look at some of these (any chance Zoey has room for the Delves?) and putting in a few more general-use cards like Premonition that you're happy to see at any point.

I also highly recommend swapping in Eureka! for either Inquiring Mind or Unexpected Courage - the ability to reroll the top of your deck for no resources is pretty stellar (no pun intended.)

Good luck with Norman! He is a ton of fun.

Jun 10, 2019 RustCohle · 2

Thanks @GreatGopherfor the suggestions. I actually started Scenario 1A, Extracurricular Activity and 1B, House Always Wins, by the time I saw your comment.  The deck did really well actually. I totally agree about Eureka! and some of the other more situational cards slowing Norman's draw down a bit, but it never felt debilitating, and in fact Storm of Spirits was able to kill both Vengeful Hound and a Mobster at the same time, as well as put 2 damage on Clover Club Pit Boss. I did have a hardtime making Inquiring Mind as effective because Norman often clears clues very quickly. I wouldve taken Eureka! instead. I really liked the Delve Too Deep, but Zoey is running 2x Lucky!, 2x Rite of Seeking, and something else i cant think of right now. Dr. William T. Maleson is really there as protection, withbhis ability as a bonus. I did pick up Professor Warren Rice at the end of the scenario, so i wonder if [Charisma] (/card/02158) is worth it?

Jun 10, 2019 RustCohle · 2

Obtained 4 VPs after scenario 1A. Spent 3 points on Shrivelling and replaced one Anatomical Diagrams. Obtained 5 more VPs after scenario 1B, total of 6 to spend now. I obtsined Professor Warren Rice as well. I am considering the second Shrivelling and perhaps Charisma, or some combination of Ward of Protection, Counterspell and Time Warp.