Wendy Adams Forgotten Age

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Rajja29 · 19

The is my deck to run do a 3 player run at The Forgotten Age


Mar 12, 2019 FractalMind · 42

I would drop "I'm outta here!" since Elusive will serve the same purpose. Next drop a single copy of Unexpected Courage and add two copies of "Watch this!". Also, consider dropping Lone Wolf for two reasons: one, you're running Dark Horse and two, it can be challenging to get mileage out of it in a three player game. I hope that helps. Happy gaming!

Mar 12, 2019 monorico · 224

I think Lone Wolf is amazing with Dark Horse. It allows you to better manage when you will get resources. You can choose to receive a resource if you need it. It also allows you to quickly jump up to 2 resources for free if you really need it (for elusive or look what I found).

Mar 12, 2019 monorico · 224

Why do you suggest Watch This in a Dark Horse build?

Mar 12, 2019 FractalMind · 42

You make a good point concerning Lone Wolf. I didn't realize the resource gain was optional, but I still stand by my assertion that it's suboptimal in a 3 player game. As far as "Watch this!" goes, Wendy IMO is one of the best investigators to take advantage of it with her base will and agility of 4 and her access to level two Peter Sylvestre. She can reliably trigger it's effect on both will and agility tests.

Mar 13, 2019 monorico · 224

I agree with Wendy being able to reliably trigger it and any other Wendy deck I would want it. I am just not convinced it fits in a Dark Horse Wendy. In theory, you will not have any resources or hardly any at all. And to take full advantage of Watch This you would need to have 3 resources ready to go when you want to use it, so Dark Horse wouldn't be active and you would have to have saved up 3 resources which means Dark Horse wouldn't have been triggered for a while.

I agree Lone Wolf if probably a little sub-optimal in 3-4 player, but in my own experience, it hasn't been too big a deal. You just have to start your turn alone, so everyone else just goes first if they are in your space. I found it that only a couple times a game did I miss out of the bonus resource.

Mar 13, 2019 FractalMind · 42

Those are all excellent points @monorico. TBH, the Dark Horse build isn't the best for Wendy. In my experience she has little issue passing will or agility tests, nor does she struggle with investigation when she has lockpicks/flashlight in play or has "Look what I found!" or Lucky! in hand. Hence there's no reason to hamstring her with respect to resources just to get a bump to her skills when she really doesn't need that bump. Furthermore, Wendy has access to excellent sources of resource generation (Lone Wolf, "Watch this!") which to your point doesn't make sense to include if you're running Dark Horse.

Mar 13, 2019 monorico · 224

I can agree with you on that point. I have never tried a Dark Horse Wendy Adams, so I don't know how effective it would be. But you do make valid points about it. I can see it being fun to experiment with though. And you can easily replace Dark Horse with upgrades if it isn't working out.