- Q: How does this skill work in combination with the ally Yaotl (which has an ability that gives you skill boost based on the number of matching icons on the top card of your discard pile)? A: The abilities on skill cards are only active while they are being committed to a skill test, unless otherwise specified. In this case Able Bodied will only have its printed icons while it is in your discard pile, hand, or any other state other than while it is being committed to a skill test. (This includes an effect that says something like "discard a card from your hand with at least X icons...")
Dopóki kontrolujesz 2 lub mniej atutów z cechą Przedmiot, Krzepkość zyskuje (dopóki kontrolujesz 1 lub mniej atutów z cechą Przedmiot, zamiast tego Krzepkość zyskuje ).

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Easy to control. Upping and downing the bonus is mostly up to you. 1 item in play typically means a pair of Track Shoes or a weapon. Characters who depend on the 0-cost items, Leather Coat or Cherished Keepsake wont be able to use this at all.
The characters who really shine with just one item in play include:
- Anybody with a Fire Axe + Dark Horse build.
- "Ashcan" Pete runs with just his puppy, he rarely needs many items.
- Silas Marsh is often happy with just a weapon in hand, although Grisly Totem might have changed that.
Cautionary advice, the buff goes down to Unexpected Courage level as soon as you have just 2 items, so be exact with your deckbuilding when you decide to include Able Bodied, no unnecessary items!
If your deck has skills in it, this is not a bad one, it'll take some deckbuilding finesse to tell if you're better served by Manual Dexterity or Overpower though.
This is simply not a good card. You basically have to build around it to get a good benefit from it(unless you happen to only be running one item anyway, which is rare.), and the benefit isn't strong enough to merit doing that.
This card is surprisingly good with Agnes. All she really needs for items is a meat cleaver, the rest can be spells. And you’re going to want those +3 fight or that agility if you don’t get your spells out immediately, or if you simply want to evade something and don’t have the opportunity. So it turns out physical fitness is vital to being a waitress, which makes sense. Those plates can be very heavy.
"A player controls the cards located in his or her out-of-play game areas (such as the hand, deck, discard pile)."
So does this mean that your deck cannot contain more than 1 item? It would make more sence if the card's ability was: While ther are 2 item assets in your play area...
I was planning to include this into Silas' deck, however his innitial 2 items make this card already unuseful. But pure narative of Silas in my opinion is, that he IS able bodied. He is a sailor.