- Q: Can I use Cheat Death to avoid being defeated by "I'll see you in hell!"? A: Cheat Death does not actually cancel being defeated or replace being defeated; it simply provides you with a means of avoiding defeat (typically through damage or horror). Card effects that simply defeat you, such as “I’ll see you in hell”, will still resolve and will still cause you to be defeated.
Trick. Fated.
Cost: 1. XP: 5.
Szybka. Zagraj, kiedy miałbyś zostać pokonany.
Uwolnij się ze zwarcia z każdym wrogiem, który jest z tobą w zwarciu, odrzuć wszystkie karty znajdujące się w twoim obszarze zagrożenia, wylecz 2 punkty przeznaczenia i 2 obrażenia i porusz się do dowolnej odkrytej lokalizacji, w której nie ma żadnych wrogów. Jeśli trwa twoja tura, kończysz twoją turę. Usuń Oszukać śmierć z gry.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Death prevention cards are probably worth a look in any build in the endgame of a campaign.
This one comes with a hefty cost, but I think most Rogues would normally consider 1x of this card regardless.
I kind of like it better than similar cards, like I've Had Worse because it provides healing after you take the damage, it allows you to disengage AND move somewhere else.
It also has a few edge cases for Rogues outside of just combat too, but they are pretty rare.
Anyway, I would always consider 1 and probably never run 2. I also don't consider it mandatory with the Obol, but it is nice to have 1. Some might say it lessens the impact of the Obol, but I think most rogues would try to take 1 anyway... so it kind of mucks with the math a bit.
If i have St. Hubert's Key in play and would be defeated by horror, can i choose to use only this card, the key or both to heal up to 4 horror?
Filler for 200 characters. Filler for 200 characters. Filler for 200 characters.
It makes sense that you could fake your own death to wipe out hospital debts of any size. I can't think of any other card that can do this.
Naturally, just about any other weakness in your threat area can be wiped out too: arkhamdb search
(Except, sadly, you can't cheat away your hands turning into trees)