Epic Sax Guy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Epic Sax Guy (Redux) 10 7 4 1.0
Epic Sax Guy 0 0 0 1.0
Epic Sax Guy 1 1 0 1.0
Epic Sax Guy DJ 0 0 0 1.0
Saxy Beast 0 0 0 1.0

king_mob · 493

"Introducing, on the trumpet..."

Jim is massively underrated i feel. His ability is great, effectively giving you a bag with 3 0's, even if the bag is set to hard. Cards like Ritual Candles and Lucky! monopolize on his ability somewhat in the sense they have synergy with it, but its cards like Machete where his ability shines - he turns good cards great. A +1 buff makes his average stats into good stats and coupled with this ability iv found you can perform tests all day and still play hot jazz all night.

Jim Culver Tactica

Jim as an ID does what all ID's that i really enjoy do - draw from the bag but with better odds. (I say 'all' but really, its only Wendy and Jenny that do this, besides Jim, and Jen needs talents to really shine). Flattening the variability of the chaos bag is huge, and i will happily take the drop in dramatic tension in return for the feeling of kicking ass in half the number of doom tokens as other IDs.

Opening hand

This is meant to be a flexible deck, it has plenty of clout in combat, and some nice tricks to gather clues at a fast clip. There's lots of overlap and lots of strong cards, because of this, there are no hard and fast rules about what to mulligan for. Don't overthink your hand, but if you have to choose, Magnifying Glass is slightly better early on than Drawn to the Flame, while Machete and Shrivelling are about equal - just go with what feels right for the campaign setting.


Speaking of Magnifying Glass - it may seem like a wasted slot or a flex slot, with Rite of Seeking and Drawn to the Flame, but its actually pretty key. Use the Rite as your main clue engine when you get it, and Drawn to the Flame for those times when you need action compression and need clues fast. But Magnifying Glass bridges the two and is what you want when your staring down the barrel of a few 1-2 shroud locations.

Lucky! does some good work while investigating too.


Machete and Shrivelling are equally valid for combat as mentioned above, and even later when you upgrade i would keep 2x of each. Really, between the either of these cards and Overpower, AND Jim's ability, you will be really surprised how he handles himself in combat. When you get the chance (i.e an enemy with low evade) then Blinding Light can be a great tempo card, even if you stick around to finish the enemy off.

Jim's Trumpet

Sucks. There i said it. You don't need it, think of it as the 2nd Guts. Because of this, you can go down to 1 or even 0 Fearless (a pretty flex card anyway) while upgrading and not worry about your icons.


If you have the pack Song of the Dead is brilliant. Potentially 3 damage per attack (remember your playing Jim, so you have 3x 's in the bag) is good, real good. Keep 'chete and Shrivelling in though, just in case. Ritual Candles can be slowly subbed out for Grotesque Statue, which in a Jim deck i would argue is just strictly better, even if it runs out. Depending on the encounter, Drawn to the Flame can go down to x1 as well if you need the slot for something more drastic, or your playing with 2+ investigators. If your solo-ing, spend a care for Delve Too Deep - i haven't play tested it yet, but my flat mate reckons its peng and she is normally right about these things.

"..and for our encore..."

I think this is the best way to play Jim at the minute, enjoy the redundancy of overlapping power cards, dont worry too much about talents or icon cards, and really get stuck into the flexibility of the card pool. You don't need to make the same card choices i did to even appreciate these principles, to be honest. But do give Jim a chance if you haven't played him yet, you'll be impressed i guarantee.


Feb 21, 2017 FractalMind · 42

Nice write up man. Thanks for sharing!

Feb 24, 2017 Django · 5032

Some nice ideas you got there.

I'm playing jim in a 4 man group and i've been playing him like a weaker version of agnes, which is nonsense, as his will is lower and he does not have her ability.

So for your deck shows one alternative to this, by using assets like Machete and Magnifying Glass to use his innate stats to get past easier threats, while saving spell charges for more difficult problems.

Feb 24, 2017 king_mob · 493

@Django thanks, yeah i made the same mistake at first and it wasn't until i started making choices based on his ability rather than his class that he started to click for me

Feb 24, 2017 Django · 5032

Jim is difficult to play, as the mysthic deck screams at you "push will", but jims rounded stats should be played equally. But then he has no real access to a well rounded cards like survivor (except 5 flexible cards), that benefit form his stats...

His character ability is also difficult to assess. It some games it may save you, while in others it might never come up. Today i'll play his deck with "song of the dead" and try to get many skulls with the tentacle statue.

Feb 24, 2017 king_mob · 493

@Django definitely, i agree with all your points there. I've reflected on this a lot and iv started to think because his ability is so hard to gauge, and varies pretty wildly between encounters and difficulties, that some the card choices i made here are not necessarily correct. Ritual Candles and Lucky! i think need to go to be honest.

Feb 24, 2017 Django · 5032

I agree with Ritual Candles, it's redundant with his ability.

However Lucky! is a very strong. It's never wasted when you play it, as tests with it always succeed. It also saves you ressources, as you can calculate your target value for tests 2 lower, while you have lucky.

Different question, do you think Burglary could be played in this deck (shroud 1 locations)? I've often ran out of ressources with my mystic decks.

Feb 24, 2017 king_mob · 493

@Django i think Lucky! is a strong card, but i'm not sure if it's optimal considering his ability. Will playtest different things in those slots and see how it effects the deck. Regarding Burglary i have to admit, i'm really not sure. Cash flow issues are not something i've come up against unless i'm rushing or am playing with someone who is rushing. Getting the right tempo i think is important regardless of the ID you are playing. Saying that, i think Burglary may actually be pretty great, needs testing though, but certainly offsets the high cost curve of the deck.

Feb 24, 2017 king_mob · 493

@Django i worked some the suggestions from this thread into a new deck, will test it out and let you know how it goes: arkhamdb.com

Mar 01, 2017 Amoon · 2

This is the first Jim deck i really like! Will try it with one or two cards exchanged for personal flavour.

Mar 02, 2017 Django · 5032

Yes, this one's good. The important thing about Jim is to realize, he's not agnes.

So don't rely to 100% on spells, but use his balanced stats. This will save you lots of charges on spells, when dealing with easier tests.

Nov 08, 2020 shenaniganz11 · 40

What's an "ID"?

Nov 08, 2020 shenaniganz11 · 40

Flashlight would be better than Magnifying glass. No splash slot used, essentially a +2 instead of +1, and almost guaranteed clue finding for shroud 2 or 1 locations.