Agatha does it again

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GrimJello · 7

Agatha does it again

This is a flex deck I built for a 4P standalone event (my team is curse-heavy, so I will probably make some adjustments for that, as this list is more standard). I know nothing about the scenarios we are about to play (Fortune and Folly and Machinations Through Time), so I did not try to gear it towards anything specific.

Is this good?

You tell me - I have not played the deck yet! But I really enjoy recursion decks and want to try this out! :)

General idea

The goal is to reliably trigger Agatha's ability every round and replay cheap events which draw cards, gain resources or give Investigate or Move actions.

The average resource cost of this deck is around 1.3, not counting the skill cards, which is very cheap. But we are also looking to get multiple uses out of Spectral Razor (2) and Read the Signs (2) that we have to pay for.

We use heavy token manipulation to benefit from drawing the right tokens during a Spectral Razor (2), Read the Signs (2), Voice of Ra, Shards of the Void or Clairvoyance (5).

Card types

Seal/Cancel/Ignore enablers:

This deck plays 12 cards that enable Agatha's ability and tries to stick an Olive (2) to reliably trigger it every turn. It should also be comparatively good at re-sealing a 0-token on Shards and can of course get multiple uses out of Heavy Furs and our signature card.

Events for flashbacking:

We play 15 possible targets for Agatha's ability, although Read the Signs (2) and Spectral Razor (2) might not hit the discard that often.

Resources and Draw:

The deck does not need a lot of resources and should generate plenty between Burning the Midnight Oil and Voice of Ra (chance for a fourth token with Olive!). We probably want to draw Deep Knowledge in order to play it twice. The other carddraw outlet is Scroll of Secrets as well as Guts and the reusable Cosmic Revelation as cantrips.

Stat boosts:

The deck is relatively light on stat boosts, as I decided to drop Hawk-Eye Folding Camera and Magnifying Glass for additional card draw in the form of Scroll of Secrets.

What's left is a lone Holy Rosary (because it clashes with our Ocula Obscura) and also the Ritual Candles which can likely give us +1 or +2 per test with Olive and also soften the impact of curses. I hope the deck can either find these quickly or compensate with skill cards and by re-drawing tokens. Luckily Clairvoyance (5) and Shards give great bonuses by themselves, but succeeding with Spectral Razor against higher fight-values might be problematic.


Agatha has decent mythos stats by herself, but we also play Heavy Furs and Olive McBride for health and sanity boosts respectively. While health might become a problem, we should be relatively resilient - especially considering our ability to manipulate token draws.


Between being able to refill Shards of the Void with itself and both our spells with Correlate All Its Contents, we can recur Read (2) and Razor (2) and thus should be helpful throughout the whole scenario.

In our 4P scenarios using 1 charge of Clairvoyance + flashbacking an Insight event will hopefully help collecting clues in multiples of 4.

What's not in the deck?

While it is tempting to do something with Favor of the Moon, right now the deck is looking to follow the main plan without trying too many other cute things. But I am tempted to switch spectral razor for Gaze of Ouraxsh for some additional curse support.

Otherwise just look at the Side Deck for a list of cards I was considering, but decided not to run. Some cards from Drowned City are not released on ArkhamDB yet, but I was also thinking about running that "Myriad-Specimen Cancel-Card".

Really looking forward to trying this out and iterating on it! :)


Feb 16, 2025 RyanMuQ · 1084

I would prefer Hawk-Eye Folding Camera than Ritual Candles. Ritual candles is unreliable, but is indeed good at curse protection (only for myself).