Amanda Sharpe Investigates

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
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Fenix92 · 1

Level 0 Amanda Sharpe deck

Intended for Hunters of the Mythos - Serial Hunters Multiplayer Season 1

This deck is designed to abuse her passive ability while also maintaining a full grip of cards. Pocket Telescope and Shortcut keep your action economy focused on clue gathering. Higher Education and Curiosity benefit from cards in hand, while Dream-Enhancing Serum and Laboratory Assistant effectively increase your hand size. Events Burning the Midnight Oil and Cryptic Writings allow for free action resource generation, and when combined with Dr. Milan Christopher and the deck's overall low curve, you should never be short on cash. Shrewd Analysis is used to cheaply upgrade both copies of Dream Diary and Strange Solution, as none of the available upgrade options are bad choices. Specifically, Dream Diary upgraded gives you Essence of the Dream on repeat without the action cost of the non-upgraded version.