Alone in the Mythos - Roland practiced the cursed arts.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dilir · 27

This deck capitalize on the fact that with Blasphemous Covenant, curses are a positive addition to the bag (unless the bag is full of curses, in which case it is about neutral). The curse package includes Tempt-Fate, which is a very positive cantrip with Blasphemous Covenant, Esoteric Method and Deep Knowledge.

This deck also feature Practice Makes Perfect, which can be used efficiently both in combat (Overpower, Vicious Blow), investigating (Deduction, Perception) or even in the Mythos phase (Take the Initiative, Esoteric Method).

The perk of this deck is that it is a very fast set up, requiring only to play one of the 5 weapons (so that you can find one for sure in your mulligan).

The only other assets are disposable soaks such as the Laboratory Assistants, and the Ancestral Token, or the dirt cheap Magnifying Glass.

This deck is meant to be very fast cycling, as it has a ton of card draw. The idea is to use skills to boost the tests without loosing any tempo or resources. It is however risky to play in The Dunwitch Legacy, as a certain treachery can punish card draw.

Upgraded deck (29+3XP) Priority upgrades for the deck are the Blessed blades as the best one-handed weapons in the game, and Pathfinder for action efficiency. The other upgrades are luxury: Stick to the Plan/Ever Vigilant for deck thinning and set-up acceleration, compression of soak and economy with I've had worse, and expansion of the curse archetype and clue gathering with Prismatic Spectacles/Stirring Up Trouble


Aug 31, 2024 rodro · 156

As I wrote this comment, I realized it is kinda long. Sorry, it is just me yapping trying to give some times to improve an already crazy deck.

This deck is hot hot hot, but maybe is too heavy on the curse department for my taste, and, by any means, you have enough tools to protect yourself besides adding 2 bless tokens / turn to the bag with Blessed Blade and Blasphemous Covenant for only one test / round, and using Esoteric Method will make things worse because you'll add a ton of curses to the bag wether you pass or fail the test.

Does this mean cutting Deep Knowledge and Stirring Up Trouble? No. You want curses for Prismatic Spectacles's extra effect and with this three cards, having so much draw and by using Tempt Fate you have more than enough to work with.

In my opinion, having this consistency with all your draw, I'd consider making some changes to use better your curse tokens. This is just my opinion on how I'd play something like this (because I'm stealing this to play with my BF, sorry)

I'd cut Esoteric Method for Favor of the Moon. I'd also cut Shortcut for two Control Variable or for one copy of the aforementioned card and a second Deduction.

Esoteric Method feels like too much, IMO. It a good battery for curse tokens and it'll grant you a success in a check, but you already produce too many curses to handle them properly. Favor of the Moon is cheap, fast, costs 1 but it'll give you money per token release, and it will help you cleanse the chaos bag, sealing three curse tokens per favor (it is unique, so sadly you can't play both at the same time, but you'll have plenty of time to play both in a game), meaning having a potential of 3 guaranteed extra clues per favor (if successful in the Investigation tests) by using Prismatic Spectacles.

Having Favor of the Moon also means that you can force curse token reveals to play Control Variable, which can be paid with the resource FotM will give you w hen exhausted. Granted you'll do this while investigating with Prismatic Spectacles, you'll potentially get 3 clues from a place with one investigation check. Shortcut is nice, but playing Pathfinder should be enough to sort your movement requirement to finish a scenario and that's why I think it can be cut from this deck, and since you have tons of draw and consistency you'll find it sooner or later.

As I said before, cutting two Shortcut for playing only one Control Variable and adding a second Deduction is a possibility, since you have Practice Makes Perfect in this deck. I personally prefer Control Variable since you don't have to do checks for the clue and I find it funnier to play, but as we all know, Deduction + Practice Makes Perfect is a broken combo and has the potential to get more clues.

With this changes, I feel you'll use the curse tokens you add by playing cursed cards on a more optimal way while keeping a more healthy chaos bag with more blessed than cursed tokens in it. I'd play something like this in a standalone scenario or even in a campaign, wether solo or 2 multiplayer.

Aug 31, 2024 Dilir · 27

Thanks for the long and thought comment.

I want to make clear that this deck is a True Solo deck (

For this reason, the Curses don't matter, they are actually a positive with blasphemous Covenant (unless the bag is toped up, at which point it is about even).

The same things goes with deduction. On a lot of campaigns, many locations have only 1 clue per location, making it less useful. It is still helpful to bomb Roland weakness.

Shortcuts are actualy still helpful in Solo, with Roland you might want to teleport an enemy on a clue location to get the free clue killing it. And while pathinder is a great card, It is not always available turn 1.

If you play with a partner, favor of the moon is absolutely a good idea to both unload the bag should your partner not have blasphemous/false covenant, and provide extra clue getting tempo.