Finns arrows finds their target

Card draw simulator

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Hagarena · 140

First of all: I've never liked Finn. He has a riduculus card pool, his will is a joke and well...his gun? Seriously...? He has good evade and lore, and that is nice, but it doesnt stand out and a free action is nice, but only to evade, its situational and if you want him to be a cluver/evader you kinda want him to stay out of trouble anyway. How ever, Im kinda obesessed with ornate bow. I tried it with Skids once and it was a disaster! (Although I was turned into a yithian :P) Finn gives some interessting options in this reagard though.

Before you get some exp, he isnt much, but when the exp starts rolig in, Finn can become a deadly fighter with the bow.

Lets see what he can do: If you are fully decked out, with dual .25 Automatic (Use 2 Hidden Pocket and a Ornate Bow and Dirty Fighting. The an enemy spawn on you: Use the free action to evade, Triggering the .25 Automatics freeactions for 4 dmg, the you trigger dirty fighting and shoot with the bow, dealing an extra 3 dmg. So 7 dmg WITHOUT spending a singel action! Then you reload and shoot again or just spend the rest of the actions grading some easy clues if you get that chance and street wise will help you with this...

Ofcourse the .25 Automatics fight isn't huge but in the event you get higher fight enemies, just shoot them twice with the bow. 6 dmg (or 7 if you hatchetman) is enought to kill most enemies and you'll seldom need more than 2 turns soloing a boss (in 2 player mode).

Havent tried it yet (let me know if you do), but should work out decently well. It Probably wont be the best fighter you ever play, but the high lore should make him veritile enought to warrent a try.
