Zoey Samaras Stands at the Front

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bijquist · 13

This is a flexible deck for multiplayer. It takes encounter cards, kills stuff, and heals. It was made to be suitable for playing with others by compensating for the weaknesses of the decks they bring. It might need refinement, but it should preform its role. The pattern of my play group is to play decks that need experience to preform as intended, flop around helplessly for the first few encounters, and get frustrated in the end by unfortunate card draws and bad skill checks. This is fine. Arkham TCG is a hard game and everyone signed up to take their medicine. I still want to win. I used the swiss cheese method to build this deck. Many imperfect layers all working towards the same goal. There is no singular gimmick or overpowered combo. Instead redundancy and reliability are emphasized.

Zoey Samaras was chosen because she has 4 will, 4 fight, a passive money generator, and access to off color cards.

Forced Learning lets you take more solutions in the deck, and artificially lowers it's effective size. Drawing two and picking one to keep lets you overindulge at deck creation. By taking more weapons than you could possibly use you invest in getting a good enough option early and can pass on drawing unneeded assets later.

Underworld Support slightly mitigates the bloating of Forced Learning.

Weapons: I assume one is enough to start and that you can get it turn one. The deck is forty five cards deep, there are nine weapons, one Backpack, and Prepared for the Worst. Odds are you will get one of those in your opening hand.

Clues: You will not carry the team.

Healing: Mostly here to bail out friends in need. Try not to need it yourself.

Money: This is a guardian deck. You will hunger. You can't play everything so make good decisions.

For upgrades, consider Stick to the Plan. It is expensive but guarantees having three extra cards in your opening hand. Cards that you pick. Cards like Prepared for the Worst or Dynamite Blast. It also thins the deck and helps avoid the situation where you want to keep both of your Forced Learning cards.

Going deep on an Underworld Support deck means having a lot of packs to draw unique cards from. If you don't like it or are just starting, drop it and start doubling up on the best options like First Watch, On the Hunt, Runic Axe, , Prepared for the Worst, etc. On second thought, don't. It won't work the same and a deck you made yourself will be more fun to play.