Zoey Samaras a.ka Gordon Ramsey (solo 2.0)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

smallbird · 21

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   "I am what I am. A fighter."

       - Gordon Ramsey

And so is Zoey Samaras. Sometimes alone in the kitchen of the world known as Arkham Horror.

So let's get to her recipe for success!

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First order of business is kitchenware and what to do with them.

Machete - Your standard kitchen knife for day to day work obviously. Getting this one out as early as possible should be one of your main focuses as a chef.

.32 Colt - When you get swarmed with meat to pulverize you bring out your trusty .32 Colt (of course?). It's cheaper and has longer life than that pesky .45 Automatic we've all grown to dislike. Although not adding to your hopefully you'll only need your standard kitchen knife to cook your enemies but if you do end up in this situation you got a good answer to it.

Knife - Slightly smaller knife. This one serves as a cheap backup if you don't happen to have your .32 Colt on you. It's also good in the sense that if you've played it and have .32 Colt on your hand you can always throw it in someones face!

Prepared for the Worst - In the unfortunate event that you've misplaced all of your kitchenware. Even if you have it all covered it has some uses with & icons.

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Second order of business is how your going to find all those ingredients you need.

Drawn to the Flame - Actions and money are precious. Even though Zoey has a leveled head putting down candles and using them in a Rite of Seeking is both expensive and time consuming. And obviously a chef is drawn to flames - for cooking.

Flashlight - Some cabinets are dark when looking for ingredients so that's why you have a Flashlight. Locations that are not hard to search through also gives free ingredients unless you stumble upon octopus (). Another thing to take note of is before you light up your Flashlight you could always make a bet against yourself on how many ingredients to find with Double or Nothing. Since 0 times 2 is still 0 you save both time and are more well on your way to finishing your dish!

Evidence! - Sometimes when you've finished cooking something you could find leftover ingredients!

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Now we'll move on to everything else that makes for a great chef.

Beat Cop - Your kitchen assistant. Does some heavy lifting giving you some . In a fit of rage you could always throw him out of your kitchen for some damage control.

Fine Clothes - It might look like a tux but it's actually a tux-shaped apron. To help you convince others to follow you as the greatest chef. Especially during The Gathering where having Lita Chantler will help you during all your future cooking adventures for sure. In your next restaurant The Midnight Masks it's also very handy to help you convince as many rival chefs as possible to join you instead.

Lone Wolf - Since there is no one else to share your kitchen, more money for you all the time!

Physical Training - Being a chef is tiresome. So you have the ability to spend all your hard earned money and releasing all your pent up anger.

Smoking Pipe - It can also be very stressful being a chef. So you have your trusty pipe to help you calm down. Even though you sacrifice your health with this poor habit it helps you keep sane. And just taking a puff doesn't even cost you any time since it's so !

Emergency Cache - Every startup needs some extra dough. Helps you set up shop or if you're already rolling you could always spend it on your Physical Training.

Double or Nothing - We've already talked about this for finding ingredients. But your addiction to gambling serves another purpose as well. In the event of a stronger than usual cooking session you could bet on yourself on how well you'll cook. If you have Physical Training to help you release some anger it should be a sure bet.

Guts - You need to be able to keep your head in the game. Most often these encounters are quite stressful so here you have something to help against the headaches with a nice reward for keeping it cool.

Overpower - When you need to cook extra hard. For a job well done you'll reward yourself.

Vicious Blow - Your grand gourmet final touch. When you really need it well done. Don't forget this gourmet touch goes super well in hand with your addiction to gambling (Double or Nothing).

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So here we are at the very end my friend. I hope this episode of cooking with Zoey Samaras was inspirational enough for you to try and be the best solo chef around.

For any solo chef that has ventured out into the kitchen world of Arkham Horror and gained some valuable cooking experience could always take a look at my vision for how to spend that experience.


Dec 14, 2017 smallbird · 21

I do realize the ally slot is wrong but since you can't correct a published deck afaik...

Sep 14, 2021 DorkSlayer · 25

Zoey Samaras as Gordon Ramsey humor? That's a rare medium well done!