Chuck's Sefina Rousseau draft

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kirvo · 2

two player deck intended to run through Carcosa. we're open to suggestions.


Oct 11, 2017 Synisill · 794

My first impression was like: is she an alcoholic? Or a fence? Why would Sefina deal with illicit goods in times of prohibition? She has pretty good sanity, she should know better than becoming a criminal.

Oct 12, 2017 Roscoe1891 · 156

What were you planning to use Contraband for?

Oct 12, 2017 Synisill · 794

I guess it is to support the other player...

Oct 21, 2017 Milkshakedown · 1

You might see more value from using .41 Derringer over Knife if you intend to play Contraband. Then later you could swap them out for Chicago Typewriter.

I also ran Uncage the Soul over Guts initially as i was also playing Rite of Seeking and its an event with the same boost icons.

Personally I think that Blinding Light is situationally better and cheaper than Hypnotic Gaze. But you are also running Think on Your Feet and Stealth so your call there.

Also there is almost no reason not to find space for Leo De Luca. He's one of the biggest boons of running green.

Hope any of that helps, regardless Sefina is really fun to play.