Stella Clark's TedTalk about failing.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lemilissa · 308

Welcome to the art of failing forward with Stella Clark.

If you're anything like me you will notice that passing tests is really hard, whether this is in games or real life. So let me introduce you to the magic trick that will ensure you will pass every test ever: You don't. Here's how you do that.

  • Step 1: Fail.

  • Step 2: Profit.

The end.

(please laugh)

ANYWAY, I've always found it pretty hard to play a cluegathering survivor. As I like challenges, I did everything to make something work. I love survivors and I really enjoy cluegathering, but combining the two has for me for a long time (as everything else in my life). Till I found the perfect deck Stella Clark. I really wanted to share this with you guys. So here goes nothing.

The idea behind this deck is to play around "Look what I found!". You wanna Scrounge for Supplies it, you wanna Resourceful it and you wanna cycle your deck so fast you never run out of it. At least untill XP allows you to do more.

Mulligan for anything that lets you draw cards, you want to have Rabbit's Foot and Drawing Thin (if you play with Taboo, then I recommend getting Flashlight and upgrading to Drawing Thin ASAP!). With Drawing Thin you can purposefully fail a tests to gain a card or resource basically for free since you gain an extra action, which works especially well if you have Rabbit's Foot in play to gain an extra card or you have Take Heart to commit. This will allow you to never run out of tools to get clues.

Lets say you have the dream cards in your hand with a dream scenario in front of you (actually fairly easy to achieve, or at least part of it):

You are on a 3 or 4 shroud location with 4 clues on it. You have the Old Keyring and Rabbit's Foot in play and you have Live and Learn in your hand. Reduce the shroud of your location to 2 or lower (with Lantern if it's a 3 shroud location or with Old Keyring if it's a 4 shroud location) and investigate being equal. You really want to make sure the shroud is 2 because "Look what I found!" can only be played if you fail by 2 or less (if the test is 2 you can never fail by more than 2 even if you draw an autofail).

  • Worst case scenario: You pass and gain a clue! (You might lose a key if you used Old Keyring though).

  • Best case scenario: You fail, gain an extra action because of Stella Clark ability, gain a card from Rabbit's Foot, then you play "Look what I found!" to gain 2 clues, then you play Live and Learn to retake the test gaining +2 (which is generally a good amount to be up by). If you pass the test you will gain another clue. Leaving you with 3 clues and 3 actions to still abuse. Let me tell you. That is Disgusteeng.

If the shroud is too high and you cannot lower it enough, keep a Lucky! in your hand. If you fail by 3 or 4 (without drawing an autofail), you can play Lucky! to fail by 1 or 2 instead, so you can still play "Look what I found!".

I want to point out that this deck starts out as a flex deck with some evading options in it. Cards like Stray Cat and Survival Instinct go replaced by cards that allow you to pass or fail more tests when you need to. My favorites are Granny Orne, Third Time's a Charm and Quick Learner.

I hope you like my first ever "guide" to Stella Clark and my absolute favorite mechanic in this game: Failing forward. Let me know if you have improvements or tips in the comments.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


Sep 05, 2021 Veronica212 · 292

Nice guide! I've not played Stella as the dedicated Cluever before, I usually play her flex with some evasion, and it is interesting to see some of the card choices reflect doubling down on getting clues.

The deck looks sweet. Might have to give this a spin sometime soon.

Sep 05, 2021 Lemilissa · 308

Aww that means so much to me! Let me know how that goes!!

Sep 07, 2021 RedRedshaw · 390

I love Stella so its awesome seeing her built in different ways! I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but did you consider Mariner's Compass? It seems like a really efficient tool for multi-clue gathering as a survivor. Also, I personally am not a fan of Stray Cats, if I ran this myself I'd probably replace both with a couple manual dexterities since .

Just some thoughts! Other than that the deck looks really well put together.

Sep 07, 2021 Lemilissa · 308

Thank you @RedRedshaw for your reply! In order to use Mariner's Compass efficiently you want to use money for it, and I personally, while I know it can be a very efficient build, dislike a dark horse build including all of its components, like indeed the compass or Fire Axe. But that is a personal opinion, I do agree with what you're saying. As for Stray Cat, I love that I spend one action whenever I want to, to evade an enemy at my location, meaning I can also evade an enemy engaged with someone else at my location instead of having to engage it. Though I understand and appreciate your views so thank you for sharing them!

Sep 11, 2021 zolson1021 · 1

This is a super cool Stella build, and I want to try it out with my group in our next campaign! I'm usually the cluever anyway, so this kind of build makes a lot of sense for me. What would you recommend subbing in for Drawing Thin at deck creation?

Sep 12, 2021 Lemilissa · 308

@zolson1021 Thank you for your reply! I would recommend getting Flashlight because it serves the same purpose as old keyring. Or maybe an event like Trial By Fire that can help you investigate nicely for one round :) Please let me know how it's working for you, I'm really curious!

Sep 26, 2021 zolson1021 · 1

I'm having a lot of fun with the build. We're 3/4 through Return to TCU and Stella is a clue-ing powerhouse.

I followed your suggested upgrades above, and splashed in some Curse and Bless tech since my teammates (Mary and Jenny) are diving headlong into those tokens in their builds. I put in Will To Survive so Stella can KNOW she's going to fail her first test, dictate by how much using Lantern and Drawing Thin, and get max benefits from her third and fourth (and possibly fifth!) actions. I splashed in a Swift Reflexes for an extra potential fifth action on my turn, as having two Quick Learners out makes many tests much more manageable.

Not sure what I'll go into from here, as the build seems pretty complete and highly functional, but I'm thinking maybe A Test of Will and/or Fortune or Fate via a second Versatile (with another Swift Reflexes, of course). My team is still getting used to me grimacing at passing my first skill test of the turn! Thanks again for posting this build concept! :-)

Sep 26, 2021 Lemilissa · 308

@zolson1021 Omg I feel so honoured that you used this deck and came back to me to let me know how it's going! I appreciate it so much and it really made my day. I love that you added versatiles! With the card draw this deck has it is indeed a great choice I actually never though of, thank you! Good luck with the rest of your run :D

Nov 02, 2021 Holmelund · 2

Would adding 2 weapons in destroy the deck entirely? I like the look of it, but having no weapons at all seems like a risky move in a 3 player campaign.