Spinning Jenny

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Dunwich 5: Girl's Night Out - Spinning Jenny 0 0 0 2.0

AndyB · 935

My first attempt at a deck for Jenny Barnes - which I'll be testing as soon as I can.

Jenny's even stats make her an interesting character, and I thought it might be amusing to try to boost them, if possible. Thus, we've got Peter Sylvestre to boost agility, which dovetails with many of the Rogue cards, Dr. Milan Christopher to boost intellect, and Holy Rosary for willpower.

For talent assets, we've got Hard Knocks and Arcane Studies - so Jenny will be able to pay to boost any stat.

Obviously, the big ticket item is Jenny's Twin .45s - and I've included a couple of Pickpocketing cards to help find them in the deck. Hands have largely been kept clear (to be ready for them). I added a .41 Derringer in case they're deep in the deck - it'll give a higher weapon density to the deck, and I chose Knife over Kukri due to it's discard ability (ready for getting the .45s out) and low cost.

Elusive is included to help deal with Searching for Izzie, as is (to some degree) Think on Your Feet

In the future: For a campaign, Adaptable seems an instant pick, and with so many allies, Charisma seems a must. Peter Sylvestre will likely be replaced by Cat Burglar, and Cunning Distraction taken. Sure Gamble and Hot Streak would also be high on the list, likely replacing Emergency Cache. Hired Muscle could make an appearance, too.

Depending on how the balance feels on resources, I might swap Emergency Cache for Backstab too, though with lower agility than Wendy or Skids, I don't imagine this being quite as useful.


Jan 18, 2017 Felagund · 540

Why not another copy of Arcane Studies?

Jan 18, 2017 AndyB · 935

She only gets 5 out of class cards (4 are already assigned), and I suspect it'll be less useful than Hard Knocks - but with the combination of them both, she could pay to boost any stat.