Marsh handles being swamped by enemies

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Phoenixbadger · 197

Only Silas can relish such a skill heavy deck. This Silas Marsh deck designed primarily as an Enemy Management deck, Versatiled up in order to give a bit more flexibility for a deck that has some strong card draw so can cope with the large number of cards.

Relatively skill heavy, but also has quite a few cards that enhance, reuse or draw back previously used cards. If you don't quite get to the 38 XP by the end of the campaign, then maybe Relic Hunter and Try and Try Again can go. But the enhanced Rabbit's Foot is very handy at making the deck appear smaller for finding those signature assets, weapons or skills.

Despite the additional deck size, with all that card draw and reuse of cards, skill tests can regularly have 2 or 3 cards committed to them, and the effects of those tests should draw or search for further cards to power through that deck and keeping each test doing something useful as well as the success (damage, draw, searching, sanity healing, etc.

Other options could include the upgraded Grisly Totem, Eucatastrophe to draw cards back into hand (maybe played on a Eureka! to benefit from the search additional times twice, and clearly some of the better skill cards like Fearless, Brute Force, and Defiance


May 10, 2021 The Lynx · 972

Did you find that Silas failed enough tests to make The Rabbits Foot worth it? I just don't see him failing many tests aside from Willpower treacheries and even then he has Guts and wild icons to commit. I was thinking adding Lucky Cigarette Case with Versatile to increase the card draw.

May 10, 2021 Phoenixbadger · 197

I think you’re generally right. I did wonder a bit about whether rabbit foot or grisly totem should be the focus. I put it in because I love the synergy with take heart and drawing thin. If you don’t mind failing a test (like on track shoes), then it’s incredible, but it’s quite pricey to get all of that out there for a deck that doesn’t really have too much other failure tech. It probably should be adjusted a bit! I also wondered about versatiling in “dream enhancing serum” to get card draw from an otherwise unused arcane slot.