The Song of the Spheres

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ElseWhere · 4043

Our dear Patrice is a...mercurial individual, to say the least. Oh, she says she hears music all around her, the music of the cosmos, guiding her to what she needs to do or where she needs to be. But I think she's probably just crazy. Right? I mean, it is an occupational hazard for us investigators.

This deck is designed with the idea that Patrice pitching cards into the discard pile (either by committing or through Cornered) is a GREAT idea! Once cards are there, they can be recurred by Resourceful or just played from there if they're any of the Improvised cards (which have the added benefit of leaving her discard full for longer after they're used). Plus that clears out her hand for Last Chance.

Her set of Assets are designed to convert her Will into an effective ability to perform other tasks, through the powerful effect of Mind's Eye (which she will be able to refill regularly using her additional drawn copies thereof). With or without access to this conversion, she can boost her tests by committing cards and using Grisly Totem on them. Of course, this is shown using the basic 9 XP for a standalone adventure, but if you're starting from scratch, a couple copies of Flashlight, Drawing Thin, and whichever spells you prefer (I usually choose one each of Sixth Sense and Wither) will tie you over until you gain the XP to start adding in your psychic powers and friendly cats!

Obviously, this is a very all-rounder Patrice, designed to fill whatever role the party (usually 4-player) needs most in this particular scenario. When she gains more XP, there are a number of good options that allow her to focus in. She could go a spell route using De Vermis Mysteriis, or an Ally-focused build using the A Chance Encounter/Summoned Hound combo, and/or Yaotl. More Willpower boosts, like Arcane Studies, are also great. Prime cutting targets are anything without icons, like Lucky! and Delve Too Deep (obviously excepting the Improvised events).

I personally would choose the path based on the events of the campaign, and how her mercurial nature solidifies into something powerful and concentrated, but she's also powerful enough that no matter what direction you take you'll find she has an extremely high degree of consistency–not necessarily what you'd expect from someone who can't keep a plan together for more than a round, hmmm?

She's also just fun to play and feels quite different from any of the other characters, even those like Wendy and Pete who do a lot of discarding! So I strongly recommend her if you like a completely different-than-usual resource-assessment system, seeing your entire deck possibly several times, or being the apparently-airheaded musician who comes out of nowhere to discover the crucial clue or bash in an unusually powerful monster's head, all the while listening to the alien, ethereal, beautiful song of the spheres.

NOTE: Currently there are other spells in the place of Mind's Eye, but once Arkhamdb will let me update and post the deck with the right spell, that will be fixed.