Wendy Adams in Night of the Zealot - Carnevale of Horrors

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Shildrak · 1

Wendy true solo deck to take through Night of the Zealots on easy.

Scenario 1: The Gathering

Had some issues as I never found the Baseball Bat, but Improvised Weapon and Backstab saved the day.
R2 + 7xp and Lita, and as a bonus saved my house

Scenario 2: Midnight Masks

This went quite well. Interrogated 5 cultists and explored 2 vp locations.
R1 + 9xp

Scenario 3: The Devourer Below

Went into this with the intention of having a showdown with Umordhoth. I therefore stocked up on Will to Survives and Flares and kicked out most investigation helper cards. I had lots of time to prepare and killed the Elder One in a single round of combat when he showed up.
R2 + 12xp

Bonus scenario: Carnevale of Horrors

At this point I didn't really want to let go of dear little Ellie, sorry, I mean Wendy. So I decided to try taking her to the Carnevale in Venice. After paying the tax of 3xp for a side scenario I spent the 9 xp on trying out a Ornate Bow instead of the Baseball Bats, and also added back a little bit help with investigation.
Oh, what fun we had. Drawing Thin and Plucky never arrived and the Ornate Bow didnt show up until round 4, but fortunately Leo De Luca came by in the opening hand and definately helped.
The Ornate Bow was good, but it really has a big problem with all those 4 and 5 health enemies. In the end she managed to save all 3 revelers and row away in full speed from the Kraken, so pretty much a perfect ending.

And thus ends the adventures of Wendy Adams for this time. What a cool girl and absolutely awesome in true solo.