Jenny Mk. 7 does Extracurricular Activity

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Jenny Mk. 7 prepares for The Dunwich Legacy 0 0 2 1.0
Inspiration for
Jenny Mk. 7 does House Always Wins 0 0 1 1.0

Magnificate · 1197

One more attempt to tackle The Dunwich Legacy! This time I'll test whether going double Adaptable is worth it. Jenny Mk. 7 will be combat-focused, but she'll forego combat events such as Backstab or Vicious Blow.

Extracurricular Activity: R3. Professor Warren Rice was kidnapped! The Experiment was defeated! 6XP (The Experiment, Yithian Observer, Orne Library, Dormitories, Delve Too Deep)

Highlights: Holy >beep<! Machete is such an awesome weapon. I've never used it before since it doesn't fit Jenny's image. It turns out I've been missing out on such utility. I was hit with both weaknesses early, but managed to recover. Amnesia is savage, but at least it doesn't disrupt your speed. The ending was really tense. Picture this: The Experiment, undamaged, moves to Student Union. Ancient Evils is drawn, so rather that comfortable 2 turns, I've got 1 turn to deal it 10 damage. Or alternatively I could withdraw via Dormitories and collect 4XPs. I've got Leo De Luca, Machetee, Hard Knocks with piles of resources and Double or Nothing in hand, so it is possible to deal that 10 damage. I tentatively play Double or Nothing and test at +1. Skull Token. I attack once more at +1 and draw the Zero Token, so that's 6 damage already. Two actions, 6 resources left, so both attacks can be made at +3. The odds are in my favour, but one wrong chaos token means it's all over. In the end... all shall hail Blade Mistress Jenny!


Jun 17, 2017 Django · 5032

Did you use Delve Too Deep?

Jun 17, 2017 Magnificate · 1197

Once. It's up there in the summary. I actually had two in hand, but when I played the first Delve Too Deep the drawn card was Yithian Observer and it happened to eat the second copy.

Jun 17, 2017 Synisill · 794

Sometimes the Old Gods favor mere mortals. Hail to Mistress Jenny! Thank you for sharing this :D

Jun 18, 2017 Django · 5032

Yes, it's best to play Delve Too Deep as your first action, so you can deal with what may come.

That reminds me, it's also pretty good to dig victory monsters out of the encounter deck.

I see you're playing Joey "The Rat" Vigil, care to share some experience on him?

Jun 18, 2017 Magnificate · 1197

What do you mean by "dig victory monsters out of the encounter deck"?

As for Joey, I've slotted him in for the next scenario with the intent to discard him at the Clover Club Lounge. I put him right out after The House Always Wins. It seems to me his ability is very situational and he's expensive, but on the plus side his health and sanity are high.

Jun 18, 2017 Django · 5032

Many missions feature powerful monsters with "victory 1" in the mythos deck. With "delve too deep" you draw more mythos cards, so you're more likely to get this out... if you're up to the challenge.

My first impression of Joey "The Rat" Vigil is pretty bad. He's expensive, his ability is pretty situational and he doesn't have a permanent bonus. The rogue deck doesn't have many items and once you've played a weapon and maybe a flashlight or something similar, you won't use him anymore...