Jenny Mk. 6 needs assistance with Blood on the Altar

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Magnificate · 1197

I want Jenny to tackle Blood on the Altar by gathering clues from hidden chambers.

Turns out, this is more difficult than defeating Silas. I've got 4XPs and two cards to switch via Adaptable, but truth be told I'm not averse to completely redesigning the deck. Ideas?


Jun 14, 2017 Scheckel · 107

In solo play that's about 8-9 clues to gather, I think. Best bet would propably be to include Deduction, and try to get a combo with Double or Nothing off. Sure Gamble or Lucky Dice should help with that.

Jun 14, 2017 Synisill · 794

Spontaneously i would exchange Delve too Deep 2x Dodge. As Silas cannot make attacks of opportunity, it should suffice to gather clues and avoid him once at the end of each round.

Jun 15, 2017 Magnificate · 1197

After more testing Deduction proved useful, but the main problem remained. Non-combat Jenny just can't deal with Hunting Nightgaunts and there's a high probability at least one of them will be present.

Jun 15, 2017 Synisill · 794

I did not play that scenario solo so far - But what do you think about including the unloved Barricade, if you fear unwanted visitors. Sure, does not help against new spawns... but some risk is always there. Or, perhaps, use Close Call and hope they won't return....

Jun 15, 2017 Django · 5032

Jenny can't play XP cards from other classes, so Close Call is not an option.

I don't know the ressource efficiancy of this deck, but could you add Hard Knocks to boost your and kill anything with your Switchblade 2? I think Cat Burglar costs too many ressources for his effect.

You could replace 2x Delve Too Deep with Preposterous Sketches to speed up your card draw and 2x Cat Burglar with 2x Hard Knocks to kill anything.

Jun 16, 2017 Magnificate · 1197

I've put the Cat Burglar in to avoid having to take chances with evading monsters. It proved it's usefulness during House Always Wins and the Museum scenarios, but pretty much only in these two. I likely won't include him in Jenny Mk. 7.

As for resources, the bulk of them are dumped into Streetwise. If I add Hard Knocks I'll also spend a lot on that too, since you basically need a +3 bonus to be reasonably sure to pass a test on standard difficulty.

I've tried Preposterous Sketches some time back. It's a wasteful card IMO.