Finn the problem solver. (Multiplayer, Trio)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tsuruki23 · 2511

A 3-player deck combo with Ashcan and Yorick.

This deck is for solving the hard problems, it wont clue as much as Ashcan nor kill as much as Yorick but this guy gets stuff done, digging the others out of trouble or contributing clues exactly when needed.

I didn't adhere to the 8-XP Streetwise but I didnt use Sleight of hand on 2-handers.

The first Xp are for Charon's Obol, Adaptable, and Streetwise.

The next batch is the sets of .41 DerringerLupara and Hard KnocksLola Santiago. Right after that Lucky Cigarette CasePickpocketing.

Finally 2xAnother Day, Another Dollar, thereafter the world is your oister, get more luxuries like Hot Streak or Emergency Cache and/or big guns!

Hard mull for guns, allies and money. This deck churns money like crazy and you need it to fund Lola Hayes and to pay for the big things you eventually buy, a Pickpocketing will work nicely in your opening hand, garnering you free stuff every time you trigger the free evade, an easily evaded enemy is actually worth just keeping around sometimes when you're Finn Edwards.

Use Adabtable to wrid yourself of Peter, intel report and flashlight or Fingerprint kit, use it to tech in/out Fight or Flight and Backstab.

Team decks:

Yorick the stoic warrior. (Multiplayer, Trio).

Ashcan's artifacts. (Multiplayer, Trio).