Gumbo Stew

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheLastPaladin · 7

Test run of a new deck. Will need lots of work. Fits in a 4 player set up and is heavy on the aggression.

The real trick of the deck is to use Zoey's resource ability with Fire Axe to smash your way through any fight.

Debating dropping Leather Coat for Scavenging but we'll see where we land on that.


May 16, 2017 StartWithTheName · 64581

a few thoughts incase they help.

Zoeys high hp means your much less likely to need Leather Coat than something with sanity on it. Either an Ally or Holy Rosary. If your trying to stay cheap what about some of the low cost disposable seeker allys (Laboratory Assistant or Art Student. They both have 2 sanity. "If it bleeds..." might also work, though i must admit im yet to try it and to be honest it looks a little circumstantial (not all enemies are monster traited). That all said i would imagine you took the jacket to keep your cash low for the axe. In which case something like Dark Horse might be a good fit. You dont have to choose to take no creds, but if you get up to 3 you can letting you go all in on an axe swing to clear them out and reactivate your dark horse bonuses.

Also 6 weapons are nice, but Knife is presumably here as a cheap alternative while you dig for Fire Axe or Machete. Might i suggest Prepared for the Worst instead? if you havent seen a weapon early there are 4 still in the deck and you expect at least one to be in the top 9 cards most of the time. if it isnt you probably needed that shuffle anyway. It costs an action and a penny more, but you get the good stuff out rather than the stop gap. At its worst its the same pip as knife.

I would imagine you might have difficulty triggering Scavenging reliably with base 2. That need to exceed by 2 can be a bit of an issue. In a 4p set up you should be able to rely on your comrades for the majority of the clue hunting anyway. If you want to pitch in betweeen fights, you might find it easier with passive clue acquisition tools like Drawn to the Flame, Working a Hunch, Art Student etc. The alternative is to go full killer. Double or Nothing is very satisfying with Vicious Blow and Fire Axe (to get to truely high on the swing).

May 16, 2017 TheLastPaladin · 7

@StartWithTheNameall great suggestions. Thank you! I'll be making some changes.