The Circle Undone Blind Run #0: Prologue

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Circle Undone Blind Run #1: The Witching Hour 11 3 0 1.0

Magnificate · 1191

It has became a time-honored traditions for me to publish detailed logs from my blind runs and The Circle Undone shall be no different. Enjoy!

Disappearance at the Twilight Estate

In later scenarios I’ll be using Jenny as usual, but the prologue requires us to choose from four neutral investigators. I think Valentino is our guy. His job in the prologue is to survive for as long as possible and his high Agility is bound to be useful in that regard. He has an average Intellect so we can also expect him to pick up some clues on the way. Not to mention, I can definitely see Jenny being friends with Tino.

Valentino begins at Billiards Room with 10 resources, Well Connected in play and Shadow Hound in the threat area.

Opening Hand: .41 Derringer, Sure Gamble, 2x Money Talks, Opportunist, 2x Cunning



  • Mythos: 1/∞ doom, 1 horror, Whispers in the Dark
    • Our first encounter card deals with Circle’s signature mechanic. Now each and every location can be Haunted and that definitely opens up additional design opportunities. That being said, the card itself seems mild. I can’t see it discourage investigations with the threat of just one horror.
  • FIGHT with .41 Derringer (2 ammo left, Well Connected, commit Opportunist, , gain 2 resources, return Opportunist, 2 damage to Shadow Hound)
    • Second in a row! Tino is doing great so far.
  • FIGHT ( Money Talks, -1, defeat Shadow Hound)
    • Money Talks works wonders because Tino is built around having resources. I’m not sure it’ll work as well for the regular investigators. Narratively, I can see Tino feeding the hound silver coins. He just shot it point-blank and it’s still standing, so it’s the perfect time for some highly unorthodox tactics.
  • Enemy: The Spectral Watcher hunts to Trophy Room
  • Upkeep: 13 resources total, discard Whispers in the Dark.




Valentino's Board State: 3 health, 3 sanity, 4 clues, 8 resources




  • Mythos: 7/∞ doom, 2 damage, DEFEAT.

Tino couldn’t see past the mist. He heard ghostly moans and wails from all around. It was over, but at least let it be over on his terms. He hopped over the balustrade.

The scenario was short and to the point and served as good preview of the mechanics. I appreciate the fact that we've got some low-health-low-combat opponents as it suggests this campaign might the tiniest bit easier than Forgotten Age. As for the resolution, at this point I'm not sure whether it's more important to stay alive longer or to pick more clues. But, I've got the feeling that disappearing into the mist was the best outcome. At the same time I doubt I'll be able to reach it that often. This time around Valentino had the chaos bag on his side, but the margin of error is very slim. Now, it's up to Jenny to search for and hopefully save her friend.

Campaign Log:

Disappearance at the Twilight Estate: Valentino disappeared into the mist. 4 pieces of evidence were left behind.