Atut. Ręka

Przedmiot. Broń. Biała.

Cost: 1. XP: 2.



: Walka. Ten atak zadaje +1 obrażenie jeśli w twojej puli zasobów nie ma żadnych żetonów zasobów.

Wydaj 1 żeton zasobu podczas ataku, w którym używany jest Toporek strażacki: dostajesz +2 do tego testu umiejętności. (Limit trzy razy na atak.)

Stephen Somers
Uczta w Dolinie Hemlock - Rozszerzenie badaczy #120.
Toporek strażacki


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The most boring, unimaginative and weirdest upgrade in THE WHOLE game. For 2xp you get "Fast"? What? Such a bad upgrade to one of the most classic cards in the entire game, the one that was designed ages ago and started making a whole archetype with Dark Horse. I know some folks like to say "heeey but you can save it in your hand if you play somebody like Minh and then when an enemy shows up you put it into play hoho i am so smart" yeah, but you can do that with the other Seeker cards like "I've got a plan!" or Occult Invocation, you know, the card that is meant to be saved in your hand for when you need it, which is why it is an EVENT card? And with it you just spend a bit of resources and blast 2-4 dmg and be done with that enemy that is sooo problematic as you say, and still keep 2xp and save yourself a hand slot.

They could have given us another +1 to combat maybe, or make it do something else, maybe another ability that is a reaction which says if your last resource is spent by the above ability, gain 1 resource. That way it would make it so when you destroy the only enemy with it you still get 1 resource for other cards when you need it and would make an interesting combo card. Such a disappointment :(

Blood&gore · 434
From all the community DIY player cards i've seen, this one is the most boring one — OnThinIce · 26

Quietly a much better upgrade than it looks like.

One of the big problems with a Dark Horse build is a lack of resources, only made worse by the total lack of skill bonus on their key assets unless you're spending money, like Fire Axe and Mariner's Compass. Unfortunately money is the one thing you aren't allowed to have, and you probably want to be playing a flex investigator to take advantage of Dark Horse. That makes it hard to get your passive skill boosts- you're broke and need every stat, here.

Scavenging is probably your best way of recurring cards to add skill boosts, but a lot of assets have pretty weak icons. While a lot has been made of 2 XP only adding Fast to this card, I would argue that's the least significant thing on this whole card- the real draw is a second Combat commit on an Item. Your only other options for this are Baseball Bat, Chainsaw, Gravedigger's Shovel and Sledgehammer. Not a lot of stuff there that's useful in such a build, and nothing less than 2 XP.

So, is two recurring combat icons worth 2 XP? If you're not playing Dark Horse at all, this probably isn't very exciting, and if you aren't playing a flex build you probably don't have enough recursion to benefit from the extra icons (or at least, have better ways to use your recursion). But if you're hitting the road with both your Axe and your Compass, this is probably a nice upgrade you want to consider alongside stuff like Persistence. Niche, but very much appreciated as an upgrade in my opinion.

A8mew · 8

Somewhat worthwhile in Patrice, especially if it's discounted with Down the Rabbit Hole.

Every Patrice player has had a turn where they have too many assets in hand and not enough actions, forcing them to choose between what to play and what they'll lose at the end of the round. Replacing one of your assets with a Fast version lowers the odds of that happening.

The extra icon comes in handy as well, since Patrice will probably draw both copies (potentially even multiple times).

ggiles · 453

The Fast keyword saves an action, playable in various player window, and ignores Attacks of Opportunity. For this expansion plus the Revised Core Set, all Survivor weapons can abruptly disappear from hand (Baseball Bat, Pitchfork, and Hatchet.) If the fight hasn't ended you may have to fight barehanded or with events, or have others take the heat while you re-setup. Two of those are 2 handed so you cannot setup an another sub-weapon to use when it disappear. So this seemingly lazy addition actually has some synergy going on. I was quite surprised at its ability to "upgrade" the original Baseball Bat and made me want to continue keeping that in the deck.

Many times I want to attack-pickup-attack with the Pitchfork to deal required damage but can't take any more AoO, if I play Fire Axe (2) in its place and finish the job then Pitchfork can be passed on to your friend. With Hatchet equipped Fire Axe (2) is also good to have ready on hand because you are not sure of enemy's HP and what it'll do with your Hatchet. If Fire Axe (2) is not yet in your hand, if you can get draws mid-fight like Overpower or Rabbit's Foot (or even Upkeep Draw while you still have enemies) it can come into play right away. In any cases where you are hiding Fire Axe (2) on hand, you are also ready to commit to anyone.

There is also a little in-box combo with Hunting Jacket where you may get the axe back after taking hits and you can immediately setup with it to fight back.

The action saved by Fast can be used with Double events in this box like Elaborate Distraction.

5argon · 10716