

Cost: 1. XP: 3.


Wybierz jedno.

- Wymykanie się. Jeśli test zakończy się sukcesem, a wróg jest nie-Elitarny, wymknij się mu i porusz go do połączonej lokalizacji.

- Wymykanie się. Użyj tylko na nie-Elitarnym wrogu w połączonej lokalizacji. Jeśli test zakończył się sukcesem, wymknij się danemu wrogowi I zamień się z nim miejscem.

Rafał Hrynkiewicz
W szponach chaosu #282.
Przynęta z zamianą


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated January 2022): Erratum: This card’s trait should be Trick instead of Tactic. - FAQ, v.1.9, June 2021
Last updated


This thing rocks, holy moly what a recovery from the trash-bin that is the 0 xp version Bait and Switch.

The original effect was never bad, not really, it just has a far too niche purpose, evading and moving an enemy engaged with you is so and so useful in many scenarios.

The new line, evading a neighbor enemy, is terrific. This new effect is way stronger than the original, you might for example bamboozle a hunter and take its place and keep investigating, dislodge a troubled friend and create space for them to do their thing without having to run away immediately, get a previously evaded enemy off-of a location where it's in the way and dump it in a corner you just finished investigating.

Having this new and useful ability resurrects the old effects usefulness, having this card in your deck is no longer a liability.


That said, this is obviously not a card to blindly include in every high agility deck. The most interested character is Rita Young, she can add insult to injury and get free damage or movement with her ability. Next in line is Silas Marsh, but he has very tight deckbuilding so perhaps he's not the ideal choice.

It will be interesting to see if there will ever be character other then Rita Young (and arguably Silas Marsh) who likes this card, but right now, at least for her, it rocks.

Tsuruki23 · 2518