

Łatwy / Standardowy

: -1 za każdy Pomiot Yog-Sothotha w grze.

: Odkryj nowy żeton. Jeśli ten test umiejętności zakończy się porażką, otrzymujesz 1 punkt przerażenia.

: 0. Musisz usunąć wszystkie żetony wskazówek z dowolnego Pomiotu Yog-Sothotha w grze albo zamiast tego modyfikator tego żetonu wynosi -4.

: -3. Jeśli ten żeton zostanie odkryty podczas ataku lub podczas próby wymykania się Pomiotowi Yog Sothotha, Pomiot Yog-Sothotha natychmiast cię atakuje.

Bezwymiarowe i niewidzialne #236. Bezwymiarowe i niewidzialne #1.

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Trudny / Ekspercki

: -2 za każdy Pomiot Yog-Sothotha w grze.

: Odkryj nowy żeton. Jeśli ten test zakończy się porażką, otrzymujesz 1 punkt przerażenia i 1 obrażenie.

: 0. Musisz usunąć wszystkie żetony wskazówek z dowolnego Pomiotu Yog-Sothotha w grze albo ten test automatycznie kończy się porażką.

: -5. Jeśli ten żeton zostanie odkryty podczas ataku lub podczas próby wymykania się Pomiotowi Yog Sothotha, Pomiot Yog-Sothotha natychmiast cię atakuje.

Bezwymiarowe i niewidzialne
Bezwymiarowe i niewidzialne


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Automatic Success/Failure: Some card effects make an investigator automatically succeed or automatically fail a skill test. If this occurs, depending on the timing of such an effect, certain steps of the skill test may be skipped in their entirety.
    • If it is known that an investigator automatically succeeds or fails at a skill test before Step 3 (“Reveal Chaos Token”) occurs, that step is skipped, along with Step 4. No chaos token(s) are revealed from the chaos bag, and the investigator immediately moves to Step 5. All other steps of the skill test resolve as normal.
    • If a chaos token effect causes an investigator to automatically succeed or fail at a skill test, continue with Steps 3 and 4, as normal. - FAQ, v.1.7, March 2020
Last updated


In the case of the token, if there are currently no clue tokens on any Brood of Yog-Sothoth, one cannot choose the first option and consider the effect of the doom token done ; in this case one is compelled to choose the alternative (-4 in easy/normal, auto-fail in hard/expert).

Ruling by Matthew Newman here) :

If you are instructed that you “must” choose among multiple options, you are compelled to choose an option that has the potential to change the game state (Rules Reference, “Must,” page 16). In this case, if there are no clues on any Brood of Yog-Sothoths in play, you cannot choose that option, and must instead change the token’s modifier to –4.
manur · 5
There are only 38 cards in this encounter set, including the scenario card itself. Is the set # printed in the corner, i.e., 1/39 a typo then? — Krzysztopher · 1
Will spawn of yog attack the player when a player draws the -3/-5 symboli during an attack if it already exhausted? — Narska · 1
@Narska My understanding is yes. Exhausting an enemy is not actually part of their attack sequence, so if an effect causes them to attack immediately, they can do so whether readied or exhausted. Being ready is only a requisite for opportunity attacks and attacking during the enemy phase. — MiskatonicFrosh · 344
...and also for Retaliate (but not Alert). — MiskatonicFrosh · 344
Played the scenario yesterday and could not come up with a "real" answer to this (and it´s pretty important): If a -3/-5 is drawn and the Brood attacks (which normally never happens during an investigators phase) - does it exhaust the enemy as it would in the enemy phase? As it´s not an attack of opportunity or anything but a regular enemy attack... — Ratboy · 1
What if there is a clue on any Brood, can I choose the -4 to keep the clue on that enemy? — Davidson7791 · 1