Zoey Samaras, magical girl.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Big Zoo 0 0 0 1.0

pasabaporahi · 215

the idea of the build was to have a zoey with storm of spirits (from now on SoS), wich is a great card for guardians, and i though, well, lets go all mystic as it is the only guardian that can.


  1. The cards and my reasons:
  • automatic/machete/colt/prepared for the worst: beacause all guardians need a good selection of weapons

  • guard dog: cheap, 3 health, can kill things

  • physical training: for SoS, also zoey is maybe the only guardian that has resources to use it.

  • if it bleeds: a little horror healing, will discard for SoS.

  • Let me handle this: it has a will discard (for SoS), good for protecting others (zoey have good will), you can catch a monster from other people (and engage it), and combos with Ward of protection.

  • Drawn to the flame, evidence!, scene of the crime : clue gathering without rolling intellect makes zoey happy.

  • Emergency cache: just in case

  • Storm of spirits: the whole point

  • Ward of protection: great card, combo for let me handle this and drawn to the flame.

  • overpower, unexpected courage: for important rolls

  • vicious blow: guardian's primary job is to deal damage.
  1. putting px:
  • 45 automatic -> 45 automatic ** (priority 1)

  • 32 colt -> ligthing gun ***** (priority 2)

  • guard dog -> beat cop ** (priority 1)

  • physical training -> physical training ** (priority 3)

  • if it bleeds -> i had worse **** (priority 3)

  • Emergency cache -> Stand toghether *** (priority 2)

  • vicous blow -> vicious blow ** (priority 2)