Jim Culver in double role (Updated)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matt88 · 3093

This is a deck that tries to do a double role, both dealing with enemies and gathering clues.

We have Milan Christopher to help us gather clues and, to collect resources, which are important because we want to play a lot of cards, some of which are expensive.

As Jim in general benefits from skulls, we want to increase the possibility of getting one, so we got the Grotesque Statues. We generally want to pair the Statue ability with Song of the Dead and Recharge. We also have a Scavenging to get the Statues back from our discard pile when they run out of charges.

Jewel of Aureolus will give us even more benefit from skulls and, if played early it can give us a nice boost to our economy and/or card draw.

St. Hubert's Key and Arcane Studies are important cards for our playstyle and since we need so many cards to work with, we also run Preposterous Sketches to get all those cards more easily.

Additionally, Blinding Light will get us out of bad situations (hopefully), as Jim's Agility is pretty low and he can easily bump into hard stuff when the cards he needs are not yet in play.

[Update: Removed Spirit Athame and swaped with 2 Ward of Protection, as i realised Jim's Trumpet takes a hand slot.]