Enrapturing True Magick through Norman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Peachiibee · 125

Loop Enraptured by committing it to a test through Astronomical Atlas and using Livre d'Eibon to bring it back to the top of the deck and using Astronomical Atlas to draw it again.

Use Enraptured to add 3 charges on True Magick, and Twila Katherine Price to add 1 charge, and True Magick replenish 1 charge by itself every round. That's 5 charges a turn, with three actions, and two extras through Sign Magick, you can spend those 5 charges every turn.

Because Astral Mirror give an additional action each turn to put cards into a hand slot, you're not playing any cards in the arcane slot for True Magick, and 2x Astronomical Atlas can draw cards quickly, this deck isn't thattt assets heavy.