Card draw simulator
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Yiru · 2
• In the Thick of It x1 to take Machete x2 and Brand of Cthugha x1 - 3xp - Total 3xp
• Charisma x1 - 3xp - Total 6xp
•• To get Guard Dog and Beat Cop at the same time, or even 2 Beat Cops.
• Beat Cop x2 Beat Cop (2) x2 - 4xp - Total 10xp
•• You can now tap damage at will and refill your Cops with Bandages and Emergency Aid.
• Overpower x2 Bruiser x2 - 6xp - Total 16xp
•• Bruiser is a bit like an Overpower every turn and pays for your setup. What is not to like.
• .45 Automatic x2 Gang Up x2 - 2xp - Total 18xp
•• With Bruiser and Brand of Cthugha down, you have enough colours on the table to deal 5 damages in one action, so much more efficient than the .45 Automatic. I would keep this card in my hand if I had to deal with multiple enemies, making my Machete ineffective.
• Evidence! x2 Stand Together x2 - 6xp - Total 24xP
•• By this time, your Clue Getter should be good enough to get clues reliably. This also increases your card draw and helps you and your teammate set up.
• Emergency Cache On the Hunt x2 - 6xp - Total 30xp
•• The same economy, but and brings you more of what you love: enemies.
• Guard Dog x2 Fang of Tyr'thrha x2 - 8xp - Total 38xp
•• Fang is amazing to fight your Weakness and save any lost partner that pulled the wrong enemy during the Mythos Phase.
• Brand of Cthugha (1) x1 Brand of Cthugha (4) x1 - 3xp - Total 41xp
•• More charges and more damage by potentially successful attacks. If you have extra experience in the end, you can also consider buying a second one.
• Dodge x2 Protective Gear x2 - 4xp - Total 45xp
•• Luxury upgrade, in case you have a LOT of trauma. Bruiser pays for it, preventing you from some nasty Encounter Cards.