Amanda Sharpe back from her Miskatonic University expedition

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sergeyvpopov · 84

We were running an ironman of the Edge of the Earth with the extra challenge of having only Miskatonic investigators. Unfortunately, I just finished a Hammer Rita run in TFA, so we ended up with 3 Seekers, but it could be more colorful than Norman, Kate, and Amanda.

Obviously, out of these 3, Amanda had to be on the enemy control duty.

Surprisingly, there are no guns for seekers! So we had to improvise. I took the Strange Solution for the first time in 5 years, and it performed well beyond my wildest expectations. Recharge with Emergency Cache (3)! Use Dynamite on stuff next door!

Transmogrify and Existential Riddle were not useful because many enemies are causing problems in connecting locations. Map the Area was spectacularly useful. Ravenous Myconid was charged but never used. But the real MVP was Bide Your Time - 5 rounds with Vicious Blow (2) under your Amanda means no boss is going unpunished --- indeed, a Pylon fell to one round of Amanda viciously blowing it with bare knuckles!

If you're looking for a fighter Amanda, look no further.