Ashcan, the answer to life the universe - 12/10/11/9 stat

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cambro · 18

So this is my first published deck.

The idea of the deck is just to play Ashcan who have one of the best statlines in the game with duke at 4/4/4/3 and with the new Key of Ys and some other cards just bump that statline to a freaking 12/10/11/9! =(42)

It includeds a story asset in the form of The Tattered Cloak so you need to run the Carcossa campaign (or just cheat, I can't check).

The game plan is pretty much just get down all you assets and be on 0 resources to trigger Dark Horse (which is obtained through Scrapper and Plucky). With the St. Hubert's Key all the desperate skill cards will be active.

Just get 3 horror on the other Key and then put all the horror on Peter.

Since its a 37 exp deck you probably need too cheat/play stand along to achive it.


Mar 26, 2018 banania · 402

It's interesting, but as you put it you will want to play that deck in standalone mode, and even it is not legit, because: 1) as you have 37 xp, you need to add 3 random basic weakness (see the rule reference) 2) then again, even in standalone, I don't see how you can incluse the Tattered Cloak. This story asset can only be obtained via scenario resolution so you'd benefit from it in subsequent scenarios. Eventually, 37 xp is certainly difficult to reach in a Carcosa campaign, especially by time you get to the Society of Historians.

So as you put it, it may be tested as a fun experimental deck, but utterly outside of the rules. It's a coop game, so I guess one can do whatever he/she wants :) if it's fun! And it looks fun ;)

Mar 26, 2018 Cambro · 18

@banania your right. It's more of an experiment of to see how high your base stats can go. I gueeess you maybe can have this by the end of carcosa if you really try and have lots of mystic friends.

Mar 27, 2018 veneretio · 346

@Cambro You can definitely have something similar to this by the end of Carcosa if you trim the fat aka the second Charisma, the second Relic Hunter and the Emergency Cache upgrades.