Money is the Key to understanding Art (Sefina)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Joethefish · 7

Deck built for the Labyrinth of Lunacy special event in London. It’s a multi-player deck designing to help out with investigation and provide some rogue trickery to help evade annoying beasties. It’s quite the challenge making Sefina a good investigator as her base intellect is only 2. There are a variety of things in the deck which help overcome this but the main engine is Dario El-Amin and Streetwise. 2 resources every turn turned into a +3 pump gives her a pretty good chance of getting clues from even the highest aground locations.

The mana curve of the deck is very high but it generates an insane amount of resources. As long as you’re careful what you pump into streetwise you will never be low on funds and you will often have plenty of cash to activate Dario El-Amin’s stat bonus, which stack nicely with #St. Cuthbert’s key.

The deck is very slow to get going and like all rogue builds can be a bit all or nothing but it is a huge amount of fun to play. Any advice of playing or improving this deck happily accepted.