Parallel Roland Deck (Solo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BrandoTheHorror13 · 25

Parallel Roland is great at teaching the value of action compression. You want as many of your Assets and Events to combo with your chosen Directives as possible. This my "splash" deck that I play solo on Easy and Standard. When playing solo, I like to make my decks to be generalist, and they typically follow the 10 Assets-10 Events-10 Skills model. Let's break down each aspect of the deck.


Flashlights help with investigations. Upgrading Flashlights (3) allows Parallel Roland to become an adequate evader and they also combo nicely with the Due Diligence Directive, especially if you are carrying around a handcuffed enemy, as you will get a +2/-2 bonus to investigate or evade events or actions that require a test.

Handcuffs (2) are fast, which allow you to circumvent the Red Tape Directive's regulation when playing cards. They also combo nicely with the Due Diligence Directive, as a handcuffed enemy will get you a +2 bonus to investigations, evasions or parleys when needed. If there is an enemy at you location that bonus jumps to +4! If you have a Flashlight (3), you get an additional -2 to the test, which can really swing things to your advantage.

The .45 Thompson gives you extra ammo over a handgun and an innate +2 without having to upgrade. Upgrading to .45 Thompson (3) will net you resources every time you fire it. Both versions also combo nicely with Act of Desperation, potentially netting you even more resources when successfully attacking an enemy.

Enchanted Blade is helpful for those pesky enemies that can only be damaged by relics or spells. Upgrading to Enchanted Blade (3) give you a +2 and the ability to heal horror, as well as card draw, when defeating an enemy.

Your allies are meant to be disposable, as they will allow you to take AoO when necessary. Tetsou will net you an item when sacrificed. Guard Dog (2) deals out damage, as well as offers you a free "taunt," which saves you an action by engaging Aloof enemies, or handcuffed enemies which become disengaged from you when evaded.


All of the Events are economy friendly, as they are free (resource wise) and can be combo'ed with Red Tape to be made fast, thus saving you an action. Extra resources mean an easier time paying for assets and fueling your Keen Eye for important skill tests.

Act of Desperation can net you resources when successfully attacking an enemy once you run out of ammo or charges. .45 Thompson is a great combo asset for this event as you get +6 and potentially +6 resources on a successful attack!

Burning the Midnight Oil will net you 2 resources regardless of whether or not the test is successful or clues are at your location. This event can also be made fast, saving you an action, as well as netting 2 resources in one swoop!

Drawn to the Flame will net you 2 testless clues for free and cost no action when used with Red Tape. This is a great card when used by Parallel Roland. Just beware that you must draw from the Mythos deck first...

Kicking the Hornets Nest will help you find an enemy once you have your Handcuffs (2), as well as gain you some resources and a testless clue. Oh, and Red Tape makes this card fast, so you gain multiple actions for no cost!

Toe to Toe nets you testless damage which stacks beautifully with Vicious Blows/Vicious Blows (2). You do have to eat an attack, but fear not. Your trusty allies are meant to soak these attacks for you.


Skill cards are meant to defend you against the mythos phase and help with important skill tests that need to be passed.

Inspiring Presence will help heal your allies, allowing for more soak.

Steadfast will help you pass and tests. This card combos nicely with the Leave No Doub, as you gain +3 sanity from this Directive.

Take the Initiative and Unexpected Courage are versatile skill cards that can be used for any type of skill test.

Vicious Blow helps you to defeat enemies faster, hopefully saving you valuable actions.

Parallel Roland is one of my favorite investigators to play. I hope you find this deck as fun to play as I do.