If I were a rich girl - Jenny Barnes pays to win

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pinklimo9 · 1

Because Jenny Barnes has a relatively flat stat line, the best way to win with Jenny is to pay extra for her stats, and in that case, the trick with Jenny Barnes is to pay to win.

In this deck there's approx a third of the deck that is related to getting additional resources. This helps to ensure that you have a steady stream of resources in order to play your cards.

Next you have pay-to-win event cards such as Decoy, Intel Report and Small favour. These can be great in a pinch or to help out other investigators.

Friends in low places is used for getting allies. You want Gene and Leo out as quickly as possible, and if you're playing Dunwich you probably have other allies in your deck, so you'd want that second Charisma to play your third ally.

Lastly, getting underworld market helps to ensure that you're guaranteed a weapon whenever you need it. Yes it'll be expensive because you have to pay 1 additional resource in order to pull the card from the underworld market, but that's better than relying on chance to pick it up. Obviously if you have space to spare, you can add "items" to your upgrade in "Friends in low places", but that depends on how you wish to play.

As for the 5 level 0 cards from other classes, I have chose Dr Milan Christopher because he helps with the resourcing strategy, deduction and vicious blow to get extra clues and damage, and ward of protection to deal with any treacheries from the encounter cards.