The Finn Edwards Expeditions and Investigations Co.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PetsOnTheRocks · 43

This build is concentrating on Finn's special ability to have one "free" evade action per turn. So his role in the group is to make sure that enemies do not harass other investigators without actually killing them. Surprisingly this has proven to be a very good alternative to killing enemies outright and in some cases is even more beneficial to evade enemies than killing them. So the deck is built around making evading easy and multi-useful by having synergy between evades and other activities (like fighting).

Aside from purely evading this build is still able to do some damage to enemies using .25 Automatic and Sneak Attack cards, specifically with their upgraded versions in which case there is a really good synergy to evading and damaging enemies.

Mulligan priority should be items and allies that increase your feet value or Pickpocketing and Lucky Cigarette Case to start cycling through your deck to get the cards you really need.

Upgrade priority should be "Underworld Market" that will enable you to increase your deck size by 10 "illicit" cards into a separate deck. This will make it easier to access the cards you need although it will cost you extra resources to do that.

Resources are a major hindrance so make sure to make good use "I'll take that!", "Faustian Bargain", "Grift" and "Watch this!". I'll Take That and Grift are amazing.

From allies side I want to bring up Peter Sylvestre who is just effing amazing: he is perfect for Finn as he raises feet value for Finn and also is a permanent sanity soak. I used Peter for the whole campaign and never switched him out because his just great. Lonni is good but after upgrading to Delilah she is even better.

Charisma is another good permanent card for Finn as having more allies out that can boost Finns stats and do some soaking.

I played Finn with my group in The Forgotten Age campaign and it worked perfectly.