Roland Banks final test before carcosa Steve

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tecnogod · 2

Our three player party seemed to be lacking in some key areas, namely combat. So, I have tried several characters and have settled on Roland Banks to hopefully balance out our party. Thanks to a suggestion I have modified the deck slightly to have less weapons and added logical thinking. We are about to start Path to Carcosa and it is unspoiled and a fresh experience for all three of us. I am shooting for this version of Banks to be the first line of defense and tank for the party. If you have any suggestions as how to further improve this deck I would love to hear them and thanks for checking out my deck. We are loving this game and are looking forward to starting the new adventures, oh yea.... and being successful at them too!