Hank Finds The Sword Of Hyperborea

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

phillosmaster · 165

Why not do everything with a strength 8-9 stat and have a reasonable willpower as well. Seems reasonable. With this setup we can usually just pick the 6 strength, 4 Will resolute side and double down on our strong points. This deck is meant to be paired with a clue leaning deck. We can help but we won't be the main event for sucking up clues.

As a longtime Hellboy fan I always liked agent Howards and specifically the story of the Sword Of Hyperborea. So why not weave that here.

Hank procured a strange brand from a skeletal corpse he discovered while exploring a long forgotten coastal cave. Touching the brand connected Hank with the prehistoric warrior Gall Dennar. Together they completed the journey into a long forgotten cave, where deep inside they discovered the remains of an alien craft. From within Hank discovered his second boon after he defeated an alien being in combat. A gun-like artifact that responds to Hank's will. Together with his allies Jessica and Pete, Hank continues his search for his father and tries his best to make sure no one else suffers from the strange things that lurk in the wilder parts of the world.


Apr 01, 2024 Drostt · 39

Don't you think that you need more Reality collapser from Hyperphysical Shotcaster than Railshooter.

Apr 01, 2024 phillosmaster · 165

yeah that's a good note. Reality Collapser is a strong option. The Railshooter was just to get the weapon density up for when I can't use the cleaver in a given board state and it was a cheap way to get two extra weapon options in the deck. Also because the Relic keyworld on weapons is relavent on Hemlock Vale. That said I probably could survive with just events, cleaver and brand when the deck is setup. Though conversely by the time the deck is setup Hank does have pretty strong stats to remove most stuff and he's got Ward of Protection so he's got ways to deal with problem Treacheries. After the scanner mode for the investigation option, anything the shotcaster is doing is just added value. I got that witb the In The Thick Of It XP in my current campaign.