Ashcan can kick the can down the road

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

acotgreave · 834

Leaning right into the trap archetype, this deck slayed its way through 4 player Innsmouth. Enemies? Trap them and move on...

The main goal was to avoid enemies as much as possible. It works very well. There are some comedy times when all the enemies swarm you at once towards the end of the scenario, but that's part of the fun. Most of the time, the other fighter in the team (Daniela Reyes) was left without much to do!

The events here are such fun to play. With Pete's ability to return one attached scenario card to hand each round, these cards cycle very efficiently.

Other cards made for excellent supporting roles. On Your Own went in at about the 30xp point. Suddenly all the events got super cheap. Plucky helps boost your tests when you actually need to take one.

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