Lily Chen Becomes a Martyr

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Averu · 44

Enemy Management:★★★★★
Encounter protection:★★★★☆
Card Drawing:★★★☆☆

Main Strategy
Use Cyclopean Hammer to kill or push enemies. Deal with your teammates encounter cards with Martyr's Vambrace’s and Lilys high defensive stats.

Upgrade path
Lv0 cards in side deck
Deck building - Ace of swords 1xp
Deck Building - Discipline Alignment of Spirit (Will) and Burden of Destiny
2x Dragon pole - Cyclopean hammer 11xp
2x Shrivelling - Backpack lv 2 15xp
Add Discipline Quiescence of Thought (Intelligence) and Burden of Destiny
1x Scrying - Brother Xaiver 16xp
1x Sixth Sense - Brother Xaiver 17xp
2x Holy rosary - Martyr's Vambrace’s 23xp
1x Relic hunter 26xp
1x Stick to the plan 32xp (Attach Ever Vigilants and a Emergency caches)
Add Discipline Balance of Body (Agility) and Burden of Destiny
1x Voice of Ra/Delve too deep - Ever Vigilant lv 1 33xp
1x Voice of Ra/Delve too deep - Ever Vigilant lv 4 37xp
1x Voice of Ra/Delve too deep - “Fool me Once” 38xp
1x Voice of Ra/Delve too deep - “Fool me Once” 39xp
1x Sixth Sense - Enchant Weapon 42xp
1x Emergency Cache - On the Hunt lv 3 45xp
Add Discipline Prescience of Fate (Fight) and Burden of Destiny
1x Emergency Cache - On the Hunt lv 3 48xp
2x Safeguard - Safeguard lv 2 52xp
2x Overpower - Overpower lv2 56xp