Akachi In Space

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CuttlefishBeyondTheStars · 74

This was my first time playing a mystic, and ran through the fan campaign Dark Matter. I do highly recommend that campaign, though the second-to-last and third-to-last scenarios were frustrating. We knew going in to build flexy and that combat wasn't necessarily the most important, but combat was definitely necessary. Blur was very helpful a couple of times, but I really needed the Familiar Spirit or another source of an extra arcane slot. Book of Shadows was also helpful for that, though it's action was more of a bonus if I had a spare than something extremely useful.

I don't understand how most mystics function with fewer charges than Akachi gets. Rite of Seeking is so expensive for only 3 charges, and then you're out of ways to investigate again! It felt appropriate with Akachi's 4 charges, and we were still running out occasionally; I'm not used to this level of assets going away.

Living Ink was nice at relatively lower xp than I've run many customizable cards, but fairly forgettable and less essential than the other customizables as well.

The Red Clock was fun to play with but, despite it's subtitle, unreliable. I couldn't always get it out, and then not always early, so that made it hard to rely on for econ.

In upgrading this deck, especially the final few scenarios, I felt very much like I was playing catchup. I didn't have enough resources to play my spells, so I had to take an Emergency Cache and Jewel of Aureolus. My spells were killing me with horror, so I needed Fearless and Grounded. The composure was very nice for bonuses to spells and I probably should have taken it earlier.