Sister Mary Innsmouth (input/advice welcome)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BroodyGambit · 9


I am running through Innsmouth with 2 other players. I am playing a flex/support character leaning into bless tokens. I took some cards to help with both fighting and clue gathering. I put planned upgrades in the side deck. As I upgrade I plan to assist the fighter a little more than the cluever. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Dec 04, 2023 gw1108 · 25

Sister mary is pretty bad at fighting with a 4 fight max is just not good enough unless you are dependent on others playing overpower and unexpected courage. Clairvoyance, Rite of Seeking, and even flashlight are probably better than sixth sense. Flashlight especially on hard mode. Most characters I design have 8-12 skills so there's less money pressure.