Fighter Mage Jim

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

thekinginperiwinkle · 134

Current bruiser I'm using to pair with Daisy for the Dunwich Campaign. So far, not bad. After the box set adventures I upgraded to two 3 pipped shrivellings, charisma, and added Dr. Armitage. Next up would be to switch out the manual dexterity cards with grotesque statues.

Thoughts so far... charisma hasn't been utilized yet. Has been successful in killing many, many things.

I'm on the fence about Dynamite. It came in handy in the extracurricular activities adventure, but for one of my any-color cards, I'm kind of dissatisfied. I only have Core and Dunwich cards, otherwise I'd probably sub this and something out for 2x storm of spirits. Probably better would be a beat cop, or Leo, or similar solid ally.