The Lily Chen Keys Adventure Continues #CPA-TSK

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

sergeyvpopov · 64

This is a deck I've been playing during the Campaign Playalong of The Scarlet Keys, so she's built using cards only from the base, standalone investigators, and The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion. She joined the campaign in the middle, right after Marie's untimely demise, and she spent a night with a zealot before joining, so she had a friend, and additional weakness, and 2 physical 3 mental traumas on her --- which was better than what investigators who survived had. One caveat is that Ceremonial Sickle is actually Dragon Pole (3) but since I never played it it does not really matter.

Overall I think TSK can support a fighty investigator. I regret not upgrading Overpower to Overpower (2); I'd totes throw more XP in Runic Axe if I could. I missed Spectral Razor, but Prepared for the Worst (2) solved all the problems of not having Runic Axe in the starting hand.